May 27, 2006 07:44
More like what I Don't do..
Lets start with being a horrid Friend...
Bc thats what I am to Stacy K...
all I can do is say im sorry, and try to be there for you
althoughA i have been always...i am but a phonecall away...i dont wont know how to jhelp through Osmosis...
but I didn't call you like i should have
Kept in close touch....
kept you on your feet...
I had a horrid year...steeped in Depression, horrid Depression
I just wanted the year to be over so i could be back here, with akll my friends from home, To Be with My Angel, to be here for those who needed me
I wanted to be able to heal, to heal my Grandfather, and I couldnt
I wanted to be here for everyone that needed me, My friends and Family
I wanted to Make Mere happy, make her feel safe, Loved
I couldnt do any of these,
and I almost lost a great friend bc of it
the fault is mine, i will accept it
Im here for you Stacy
Im here for All of my Friends
they have all been there for me
I also wanted to Apologize to Meredith
Im sorry i haven't been there for you
Im sorry i didntcome to the TalentShow
Im Sorry i cant make you feel safe, Loved
Im SOrry
what crazy guy goes to the Eiffel Tower and Shouts to the world that he Loves MEREDITH KOCHAN unless he does..?
Im sorry
I havent been who i needed to be
Im sorry
all i can do is Beg for FOrgivness