The challenge was to use the prompts to make graphics and/or written works.
Under the cut 19 icons + 4 picspam
♥: Arrow - The Flash - Legends of Tomorrow - Supergirl - MCU - Lucifer - IZombie - X-Men
Graphics: things to make // 19 icons (dceu, mcu, x-men, izombie, lucifer)
favorite hero // favorite villain // least fave character // red // orange
yellow // green // blue // indigo // violet
favorite LGBTQ character // superhero 1 // superhero 2 // superhero 3 // superhero 4
superhero 5 // villain // villain // provided texture
Graphics: things to make // 4 picspam (supergirl, arrow, captain america, legends of tomorrow)
Favorite female superhero: Kara Danvers - Supergirl
Favorite male superhero: Steve Rogers - Captain America
Favorite various characters
Development of favorite character: Oliver Queen from season 1 to season 8
(Click for full-size.)
Bonus points: pick 10 things
Find an icon of your favorite MCU/DCEU character smiling
sietepecados Find a photo of a celebrity wearing something superhero fandom related (eg a Batman t-shirt)
Find a Black and White icon of your favorite superhero/villain character.
sietepecados Find a photo of a hero kissing someone.
Find an icon of your favorite female superhero/villain.
sietepecados Find an icon of your favorite superhero.
word_never_said Find an icon of your favorite villain.
queen_bartonia Find and share with us a black & white texture.
violateraindrop Find and share with us a texture with flowers.
fauxism Find and share with us a rainbow texture.