I started watching Firefly because of Joss Whedon and my love for him and his tv shows through the years.
And after a couple of episodes I was totally and completely in love with Captain Malcom Reynolds.
Then almost a week ago my father convinced me to finally start to watch Castle. Well... I loved Mal in Firefly and this means that I'm totally in love with Nathan Fillion so... let's start Castle.
I ended up loving a lot another show... then today arrived. And with this day it arrived episode 6 of season 2 'Vampire Weekend'. I read around that there were some Firefly references in Castle but believe me, I wasn't ready for this:
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I staid without words for this perfection. I really loved this moment. 'Space Cowboy' for Castle... but it was amazing to see back Captain Reynolds *_________________*
So this is not a 'reference'. This is a character of one amazing show that he ended up in another amazing show... this is pure love for all the fans of Firefly, Malcom Reynolds and Nathan Fillion ♥