There's just simply not enough McGee/Murray love out there.
I have couple friends that are like 'yuck. he was so much better when he was fat'. I just don't think he was fat. Fat is such a bad word. :( Chubby is so much better. Got to admit I didn't follow NCIS until about 2years ago must've been early/mid s7. Just occasionally so I was kind of used to chubby McGee. And then I saw some pics from some event where he attended and I was like 'WTF happened?' It was such a huge difference. But of course if you follow it regularly you get used to it. But from s5 to that was just so much..
But still I really like him. It's the third time I'm hooked to NCIS. Yeah. I can't believe there was a time where I watched it and Gibbs was my fave, then a pause, then got hooked again with a Tony crush and now I'm stuck with McGee since s7. As he's the longest crush he's definetaly doing something right. xDD
My friend was like 'Eww. He's got just a disgustingly long neck' and I could just say 'but I like that'. *lol*
hmm..your name sounds familiar. I think I've already saved some of your icons before. But I can't remember which ones. Maybe H50 or something. But I do remember using something of yours. :)
Actually I always loved McGee from the beginning. Never because his look, but because he's a wonderful character and plus is a geek and I love geeks XD But of course his change is impressive... I'm still surprise, but I think that Sean was a gorgeous man in the first season like he's now :D
Mhm... I always have and I think that I will always have a big crush for Tony. I love Sean/McGee but Tony is Tony ♥
Tell me that I am not the only one who likes guys with long neck and you'll make me happy *.* I mean, if I only think at Matthew Gray Gubler's neck... okay I don't know if you watch Criminal Minds or not XD
I never did icons of H50 because I didn't watch this show. I made icons of Criminal Minds, NCIS and NCIS LA, I did a bunch of Fringe and a couple of Haven ;) But it's possible that you know my name because we're both in Team Bullpen on ncis_verse ;)
I also like McGee from the start. Such a nice and great character. And he grew so much during the last seasons . If only they wouldn't add so many allergies. It's so ridiculous. Last episode he mentioned it again. "Must be allergic to something in these woods". He's been in woods SO often before and never had anything. I'd so like to kick the writer's asses for those unnecessary illness shit. :/
Oh you're SO not alone with the liking long necks. ^^ Ah, yes. Dr Reid! *yum* Alex' neck is also very cool with that one veine sticking out. *swoons* Oh, and Sheldon from Big Bang Theory also counts into this category. Do we see a pattern here? Skinny and smart. *lol* Well, Alex doesn't fit there but he's too amazing to be from this world. I love Criminal Minds. Totally pissed me off there's been no new episode this week. :(
Of course I've seen you at ncis_verse but I remember you from before. I only joined that comm at the last case. But then it's just been about NCIS or Criminal Minds icons. I could use a CM icon again. Should go a find one. It's just so tough for me because I only have the 15 basic spots and the majority is from Alex, #2 is McGee and then all the stock icons. I so need more spots but I don't want to pay. But maybe next year when I earned a little money from the new job. *g*
Yeah I noticed this strange thing about McGee's allergies and like you I was always wondering why. I mean, what is it the purpose to give him all this allergies? Well... sometimes the writers seem to have fun to play bad games with their characters :(((
Oh long necks *.* I'm glad to be in good company :D Oh Reid *_________* Always the best neck in my opinion *.* Oh and do you watch NCIS LA? Because even Deeks ♥ But Deeks, like Alex, doesn't fix the skinny and smart pattern ;) Oh yeah Sheldon of course... Jim isn't exactly my type but nothing to say about that long neck *.*
So probably it was some icons of CM ;) Oh believe me for how much it could be strange for you I've got a paid account and I've got the chance to have something like 260 icons but the place is never enough O.o Believe more space you have more icons you would want to upload XD
Oh what job will you do? (Uhm feel free to not answer at me... I'm always curious to know better people who I know ;))
I mean. I'm absolutely fine with the two thingies he had the first time. Cat allergie and fear of heights. That's pretty common. And I'm also afraid of heights. So nothing wrong with that. Than they had the two(or even three!) cases where he didn't recognize Posion Ivy and got it all over him. And he was supposed to be a Boy Scout. That already bugged me so badly. :/ I just hope they leave him alone now. Already has way too many.
Oh. Yes. Deeks is also fine. I'm only watching NCIS LA occassionally. Watched the first two episode of s3 and then nothing. Will probably do a maraton during the winter break to catch up. I already have SO many series I watch.
It's okay to ask about the job. :) I just got it on tuesday last week so I'm still totally excited I'm earning money now. And it's not a full-time job because I'm studying but you always need money, right? *g* I'm working in a phone studio calling people and asking them to take part in various surveys. So it's not the typical callcenter were you completely annoy people with advertisment or even trying to get them to buy some crap stuff. Most people don't want to participate and hang up or just tell me nicely but some are so mean. One yelled at me to 'Shut the f* up!' it was an older men so really not nice. Some people take the survey which is always awesome and annoying at the same time because some surveys are SO long and have SO many (even stupid) questions. But the good part you kill time way better. Had one survey which took almost 25minutes. Was almost because shift end. So it was really cool. The last hour almost is so slow. But during the last 15minutes you just hope NO ONE will help because then you'll be sitting there until 9.30pm in the worst case. It's good money and not too stressful so it's okay to do it. :)
I think that probably the thing that annoyed me more it was exactly the story of the Poison Ivy I mean... one time is okay, even two but then enough, McGee isn't stupid. Like you said let's hope that they'll stop to give him all this things again.
Yes you really have to give a try to LA, it's wonderful, I'm in love with this show ♥
It's sound pretty interesting your job :D You know for a moment let me be by the part of the people who answers at the phone. I don't know how it works where you live, but here in Italy the most part of the people who calls are completely rude and if you say 'no' one time they keep going. Of course not everybody. But most of them are. Anyway I also try to be gentle because I know what it means to work. I work for eight hours a day in a factory so I know that who calls is doing only his job ;)
Nah. The Poison Ivy thing was stupid. McGee was portraied as a scout(!) in that one episode with that group of kids so he knows everything in the woods. So it's more than stupid to make him run into Poison Ivy TWICE!
but here in Italy the most part of the people who calls are completely rude and if you say 'no' one time they keep going.
*hehe* I also had very r ude people on the phone. An old(!) man yelled at me to 'Shut the f*** up' and some just suddenly hang up in the middle of the survey without any warning. Oh and even if they say 'no' the first time I'm forced to ask two more times. But it's always politely. As these are nation wide surveys you have to ask as many people as possible to make it more representative. So I have to ask two more times and if they still won't take part I say goodbye. But often I don't get to ask twice because they just say 'I don't want to' and just hang up. If it's a survey about one specific topic we can make appointments so even if you don't have time we can still make an appointment for another day and time which suits you better. Those surveys are usually quite long (we had an survey about insurance companies that took ~40minutes! But I haven't done that yet. Guess I was lucky^^) so especially 30mins before shift end I just pray that no one wants to participate but agree on making an appointment. *lol*
Well but at least after two time you say 'goodbye'. And I can understand if you became rude with people like the one who yelled at you... but here most of the time people who called is rude just because probably they woke up bad -.- Oh I like the story of the appointment. That's a great idea so that no one will lose time :D
I also have it quite often that people agree on participating, and then not complain at all during the survey but while hanging up they go like 'That was shit!' or something like that. ^^ But at least they answered all questions. That's all that matters. *g*
Sometimes I also get a little grumpy and say not so polite stuff but it's always been the way they already hung up. So they never heard that. ^^
I have couple friends that are like 'yuck. he was so much better when he was fat'. I just don't think he was fat. Fat is such a bad word. :( Chubby is so much better.
Got to admit I didn't follow NCIS until about 2years ago must've been early/mid s7. Just occasionally so I was kind of used to chubby McGee. And then I saw some pics from some event where he attended and I was like 'WTF happened?' It was such a huge difference. But of course if you follow it regularly you get used to it. But from s5 to that was just so much..
But still I really like him. It's the third time I'm hooked to NCIS. Yeah. I can't believe there was a time where I watched it and Gibbs was my fave, then a pause, then got hooked again with a Tony crush and now I'm stuck with McGee since s7. As he's the longest crush he's definetaly doing something right. xDD
My friend was like 'Eww. He's got just a disgustingly long neck' and I could just say 'but I like that'. *lol*
hmm..your name sounds familiar. I think I've already saved some of your icons before. But I can't remember which ones. Maybe H50 or something. But I do remember using something of yours. :)
But of course his change is impressive... I'm still surprise, but I think that Sean was a gorgeous man in the first season like he's now :D
Mhm... I always have and I think that I will always have a big crush for Tony. I love Sean/McGee but Tony is Tony ♥
Tell me that I am not the only one who likes guys with long neck and you'll make me happy *.* I mean, if I only think at Matthew Gray Gubler's neck... okay I don't know if you watch Criminal Minds or not XD
I never did icons of H50 because I didn't watch this show. I made icons of Criminal Minds, NCIS and NCIS LA, I did a bunch of Fringe and a couple of Haven ;) But it's possible that you know my name because we're both in Team Bullpen on ncis_verse ;)
Oh you're SO not alone with the liking long necks. ^^ Ah, yes. Dr Reid! *yum* Alex' neck is also very cool with that one veine sticking out. *swoons* Oh, and Sheldon from Big Bang Theory also counts into this category. Do we see a pattern here? Skinny and smart. *lol* Well, Alex doesn't fit there but he's too amazing to be from this world.
I love Criminal Minds. Totally pissed me off there's been no new episode this week. :(
Of course I've seen you at ncis_verse but I remember you from before. I only joined that comm at the last case. But then it's just been about NCIS or Criminal Minds icons. I could use a CM icon again. Should go a find one. It's just so tough for me because I only have the 15 basic spots and the majority is from Alex, #2 is McGee and then all the stock icons. I so need more spots but I don't want to pay. But maybe next year when I earned a little money from the new job. *g*
Oh long necks *.* I'm glad to be in good company :D Oh Reid *_________* Always the best neck in my opinion *.* Oh and do you watch NCIS LA? Because even Deeks ♥ But Deeks, like Alex, doesn't fix the skinny and smart pattern ;) Oh yeah Sheldon of course... Jim isn't exactly my type but nothing to say about that long neck *.*
So probably it was some icons of CM ;) Oh believe me for how much it could be strange for you I've got a paid account and I've got the chance to have something like 260 icons but the place is never enough O.o Believe more space you have more icons you would want to upload XD
Oh what job will you do? (Uhm feel free to not answer at me... I'm always curious to know better people who I know ;))
Oh. Yes. Deeks is also fine. I'm only watching NCIS LA occassionally. Watched the first two episode of s3 and then nothing. Will probably do a maraton during the winter break to catch up. I already have SO many series I watch.
It's okay to ask about the job. :) I just got it on tuesday last week so I'm still totally excited I'm earning money now. And it's not a full-time job because I'm studying but you always need money, right? *g* I'm working in a phone studio calling people and asking them to take part in various surveys. So it's not the typical callcenter were you completely annoy people with advertisment or even trying to get them to buy some crap stuff. Most people don't want to participate and hang up or just tell me nicely but some are so mean. One yelled at me to 'Shut the f* up!' it was an older men so really not nice. Some people take the survey which is always awesome and annoying at the same time because some surveys are SO long and have SO many (even stupid) questions. But the good part you kill time way better. Had one survey which took almost 25minutes. Was almost because shift end. So it was really cool. The last hour almost is so slow. But during the last 15minutes you just hope NO ONE will help because then you'll be sitting there until 9.30pm in the worst case. It's good money and not too stressful so it's okay to do it. :)
Yes you really have to give a try to LA, it's wonderful, I'm in love with this show ♥
It's sound pretty interesting your job :D You know for a moment let me be by the part of the people who answers at the phone. I don't know how it works where you live, but here in Italy the most part of the people who calls are completely rude and if you say 'no' one time they keep going. Of course not everybody. But most of them are. Anyway I also try to be gentle because I know what it means to work. I work for eight hours a day in a factory so I know that who calls is doing only his job ;)
but here in Italy the most part of the people who calls are completely rude and if you say 'no' one time they keep going.
*hehe* I also had very r ude people on the phone. An old(!) man yelled at me to 'Shut the f*** up' and some just suddenly hang up in the middle of the survey without any warning.
Oh and even if they say 'no' the first time I'm forced to ask two more times. But it's always politely. As these are nation wide surveys you have to ask as many people as possible to make it more representative. So I have to ask two more times and if they still won't take part I say goodbye. But often I don't get to ask twice because they just say 'I don't want to' and just hang up.
If it's a survey about one specific topic we can make appointments so even if you don't have time we can still make an appointment for another day and time which suits you better. Those surveys are usually quite long (we had an survey about insurance companies that took ~40minutes! But I haven't done that yet. Guess I was lucky^^) so especially 30mins before shift end I just pray that no one wants to participate but agree on making an appointment. *lol*
Sometimes I also get a little grumpy and say not so polite stuff but it's always been the way they already hung up. So they never heard that. ^^
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