Season 1:
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Part 2 Season 2:
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Part 2 Season 3:
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Part 2 Season 4:
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Part 2 5.01 - Faceless, Nameless
Emily: JJ, is there any word from Hotch?
JJ: No, nothing.
Emily: Huh. That's not like him.
JJ: Yeah, I know.
Reid: Hey, Garcia.
Garcia: Yes, my love.
Reid: Has Hotch checked in with you?
Garcia: He's not with you?
Reid: He's probably on his way.
Emily: (knocking at the door) Hotch? It's me-- Emily.
Reid: Drop the gun!
Unsub: Don't protect him. He killed my son!
Reid: He did not kill your son. Your son was killed by a car accident.
Unsub: Stand up!
Reid: I'm gonna ask you again, I do not want to shoot you. Please drop the gun.
Unsub: Stand up, you coward!
Reid: Mr. Meyers, listen to me. All right, it's over. Dr. Barton did not kill your son. Your son was killed by a car. And this is not what he would want. Ok? So drop the gun. Please. Don't do it.
Unsub: I'm sorry.
Reid: I'm fine. Go to him. Go to him.
JJ: You ok?
Reid: Yeah, fine.
Morgan: We'll get you to a hospital.
Reid: You need to find Emily. Call Emily.
Rossi: Where is she?
Reid: Something's happened to Hotch.
Haley: How do you feel?
Hotch: I'm gonna be ok. Did they explain to you what's happening?
Haley: They said the marshals service is taking us straight from here and putting us into protective custody.
Hotch: Haley, I'm sorry.
Haley: Do you know where they're gonna take us?
Hotch: No, I don't. And that's the point. I can't know where you're going. If you have any contact with anyone, then he could track you.
Haley: Jack has school. He has friends. I have a job now.
Hotch: I know. And I'm sorry. We will catch him and you'll come back, and I promise that I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you.
Haley: Are you sure that we're in danger?
Hotch: Yes.
Haley: And what about you? Are you gonna be safe?
Hotch: He wants to see me suffer. Knowing that my son is out there and that I can't see him is better than killing me.
Haley: What am I supposed to say to Jack?
Hotch: Tell him it's a vacation and that it's not gonna be for very long.
Haley: How am I supposed to keep him safe if there is no one I know to help me?
Hotch: Haley, you're strong. You lived with me in this job, and you've practically raised Jack all by yourself. You're a great mother.
Haley: Can you catch this man?
Hotch: I will catch this man.
Hotch: Hey, buddy. Come on in. Don't worry. It's ok. The doctors made sure that I'm completely fine. Did mommy tell you that you two are gonna take a trip?
Jack: Yeah.
Hotch: So I'm not gonna see you for a while.
Jack: Why?
Hotch: Well, think about it like when daddy goes away for work. Only this time you and mommy get to go someplace. But what do I tell you every time I go away?
Jack: You love me.
Hotch: More than anything in the world.
Jack: Are you ok?
Hotch: I'm very proud of you. Every single day. I'll see you soon, ok?
Jack: Ok.
Hotch: You take care of mom, ok?
Jack: Ok.
JJ: I just talked to Spence. He's gonna be fine. He's gonna have to be on crutches for a while, but he said kicking down doors is Morgan's job, anyway.
Emily: You know, Foyet having your credentials had nothing to do with any of this. It was just his way of trying to torture you.
Morgan: Yeah, I know. Foyet's about power and control. He was hoping to watch me fall apart, and... Now he wants to destroy Hotch.
Emily: Exactly. That's his plan, and now we fight it.
Rossi: Did you hear what happened this morning?
Hotch: No.
Rossi: We had a situation. Unsub had already killed 2 people. Said he was gonna keep killing unless a man used his son as bait.
Hotch: What happened?
Rossi: We kept the boy safe. Worked the profile. It was a happy ending. Do you know why I'm telling you this?
Hotch: Yes.
Rossi: No other group in the world could have pulled off what your team did in a matter of hours.
Hotch: I appreciate what you're trying to do, Dave.
Rossi: We'll get Foyet.
Hotch: I promised Haley that we would get him, but the truth is, if he stops killing, we have no way of tracking him. He stopped killing for 10 years just the pleasure of watching Shaunessy's life fall apart. What's Jack gonna remember about me in 10 years?
Rossi: Hotch, look at me. I'm telling you, we'll get him.
5.02 - Haunted
Rossi: He's not in yet.
Morgan: What?
Rossi: You've been walking past Hotch's office for an hour. Emily's picking him up.
Morgan: Hotch told me he was cleared to drive.
Rossi: He is. She wants to do it. What's going on?
Morgan: He's only had a month off, Rossi.
Rossi: Technically, 34 days.
Morgan: And you think that's long enough?
Rossi: You don't? Tell him.
Morgan: No, thanks. I like my job.
Rossi: You like him more.
Morgan: What if he's got ptsd?
Rossi: He was evaluated.
Morgan: Come on, Rossi, we wrote those questions. Hotch knows exactly how to answer them.
Rossi: So what are you gonna do, pick apart everything he does? How long should he be gone? A year? 2?
Morgan: Every day that Foyet is out there, Hotch loses, and you know that.
Rossi: You know what that makes Hotch?
Morgan: Distracted.
Rossi: Motivated. Derek. He's coming back because he has to. He needs to know we've got his back.
Morgan: He knows that.
Rossi: Then we don't let him forget it.
Reid: Thanks.
Garcia: Does it hurt?
Reid: It really only hurts when I think about it, which is pretty much all the time.
Garcia: No, no, no. Get away, you.
Reid: What?
Garcia: These are for Hotch.
Reid: I get shot in the leg and I don't get any cookies. You know he's gonna hate the attention.
Garcia: It's cookies, not cake.
Reid: He's probably gonna pretend like nothing happened, anyway.
Garcia: Well, it doesn't mean we have to.
Reid: I think maybe we should.
Garcia: I don't roll that way.
Reid: I've been thinking about it? The entire time I've known Hotch, I don't think I've ever seen him blink.
Garcia: I know. It's weird.
Reid: Classic alpha male behavior.
Garcia: Do you think he stared down Foyet?
Reid: Maybe. If it would save his life.
Garcia: Do you think he stared the whole time, like with each stab?
Reid: I have no idea.
Garcia: Is he ok?
Reid: I wouldn't be, but... I'm a blinker.
Emily: There's a kid missing.
Hotch: They don't need the extra manpower.
Emily: Since when?
Hotch: If we'd studied Foyet's initial crimes, we would have known that a survivor didn't make sense.
Emily: What does he have to do with this?
Hotch: All we had to do was stop and look at Foyet's history, and we didn't, and we lost two couples and a bus full of people. And I'm not making that mistake again.
Morgan: Hey.
Rossi: I know what you want to talk about. 2 months ago we wouldn't be breaking down Hotch's decisions. There'd be no doubt.
Morgan: 2 months ago he had everything to live for, Rossi. Now his family's just been taken away. How is supposed to think about anything else? How long is he gonna let Foyet win? Hmm? I mean, come on, by the time we catch this guy, Hotch could be more scarred on the inside than he is the outside.
Rossi: Hotch took a risk. But we saved that boy.
Morgan: He put his life at risk in there, in ways that we are never supposed to, and you know it. I'm not about to stand by and watch this man kill himself.
Rossi: And you won't.
Morgan: Rossi... if Hotch is gone, Foyet's got no one else to torture. Hotch wins. But if Hotch lives but doesn't get to watch his son grow up, Hotch loses.
5.03 - Reckoner
Reid: What's this?
Hotch: You told me you were cleared to travel. You lied.
Emily: Naughty boy.
Reid: Uh, no, I didn't. I am a doctor, so technically, I wasn't a lie.
Garcia: What was it, then?
Reid: Um... second opinion.
Garcia: Hmm. You're my bitch now.
Man: Hey, that kid-- The, uh, smart one-- I could use a little help.
Rossi: Reid?
Reid: Reid here.
Man: Crossword question. 10 letters. Crater creator.
Reid: 10 letters, crater creator.
Garcia: Arctangent.
Rossi: Did you get that?
Man: Damn, she's smart.
Garcia: Mh-hmm.
Hotch: She was special to you.
Rossi: I was just thinking... When I first met Emma, I knew I would love her for the rest of my life. We were 12 years old. She always said we were doomed to be star-crossed lovers, destined to wonder what might have been. I never slept with her, you know. That wasn't true what I said to Schuller. That was just to get under his skin, knock him off his game.
Hotch: I understand.
Rossi: I should have married her, though. When I left the marines, I was recruited by the Bureau, spent a few years on the streets, got involved with starting the BAU. And before I knew it, a lifetime had gone by.
Hotch: I hear you.
Rossi: I missed a life with Emma because I became obsessed with the chase. With the hunt.
Hotch: Dave, he's threatening my family.
Rossi: And we'll get Foyet, Aaron.
Hotch: Then what's your point?
Rossi: You have a family. When all this is over, what are you gonna do... to make sure you're not a lonely guy wondering why you let the purest thing in your life... get away?
5.04 - Hopeless
Garcia: Hey. Can we have a talk?
Morgan: Yeah. What's up?
Garcia: Uh, first I would like to say that I love you, and I--I--the thing I love the most about you is how much you care about people--
Morgan: Garcia, what? What's going on?
Garcia: I think you need to cut contact with Tamara Barnes.
Morgan: I didn't make contact with her. She was at the police station.
Garcia: Yeah, ok, look me in the eyes and tell me that the first break in this case you don't run right to her and give her the news yourself.
Morgan: Penelope, she lost her brother. She just wants answers.
Garcia: I get it. I volunteer counseling these families. I know what she's going through.
Morgan: Then where is this coming from?
Garcia: Ok, let's just ignore the whole ethical dilemma, 'cause that's just too, too big. And if you were to testify on this case, the whole thing would unravel if anyone were to find out that you're involved with a member of the victim's family.
Morgan: Whoa, stop. I love you, and I respect you. You know that. But right now you're way out of bounds. I'm not involved.
Garcia: The team is here working on a case, and you're with her. You're involved.
Morgan: For your information, she lost it back at the station, so I drove her home. End of story.
Garcia: But not for her. Derek, she's so sad and so confused and angry and desperately looking for anyone to swoop in and make it all better, and unless you're all in and can be there for every stage of the grieving process, you're just another reason for her to not trust the world.
Morgan: She's simply trying to understand why this happened.
Garcia: There is no why, and she'll make herself crazy trying to find one.
Morgan: Is he just gonna walk away?
Rossi: Looks like it.
Morgan: Just when I thought he was back on top of this game.
Rossi: You got at least 2 dozen cops, all looking for revenge. You got two psychopaths inside, ready to play out their fantasy end. You want to take your shot... Take it. Our job is done.
5.05 - Cradle to Grave
Morgan: Reid, what did I miss?
Reid: Oh, man, you're not gonna believe this. Some moron just posted a blog called "what would Carl Sagan do?"
Morgan: No, Reid, the case. What's the case?
Reid: What are you talking about?
Morgan: These emails from Hotch. "Take a look at this," "new case to review."
Reid: Emails from Hotch? I didn't get any emails from Hotch, did I? Nothing.
Garcia: Super skeezy. I've got a spread sheet from one of them expecting compensation for the baby I'm having.
Morgan: Something you want to tell me, Garcia?
Garcia: Oh, that's the sad part, my prince. The genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan wouldn't fetch top dollar.
Morgan: Hey. I just called cps, asked them to send over infant mortality files. Another group for us to eliminate.
Hotch: Good.
Morgan: What's that?
Hotch: Your profile. I disagree with your analysis.
Morgan: Hotch, are you serious? It's not a law review article, it's just something for us to brainstorm.
Hotch: But you only focused on one angle, Morgan, that the prenatal drugs indicate the presence of a wife or a girlfriend. We need more options.
Morgan: Which I can give you once we make the proper deductions. Hotch, you're asking me to guess.
Hotch: Morgan, in order for the profile to be useful, it has to generate multiple scenarios about what the unsub is doing. Rewrite it.
Morgan: Yeah, I know. Hotch wants to focus on the prenatal drugs the unsubs are giving the victims. He thinks we can build a new suspect pool, and he wants it done yesterday.
JJ: There's 2 pages of names here. Shouldn't we narrow it down?
Morgan: JJ, just do it, ok? I'm sorry.
JJ: Is everything ok?
Morgan: Hotch has been on me ever since we got here, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why.
JJ: Oh, I might know. The night before Hotch picked this case, Chief Strauss stopped by the BAU. They were behind closed doors, and it seemed like it got a little tense.
Morgan: Well, the Bureau's been on him for a while. He must have know this was gonna happen.
JJ: Except now they're making him justify every decision. For Hotch, that's... hell.
Morgan: What is this?
Hotch: It's a tactical arrest plan. I'd like you to write it up for this case.
Morgan: You want me to write up how we apprehend the unsubs without risking the lives of the children.
Hotch: Yes.
Morgan: Hotch, I've led dozens of tactical assaults. You've never made me write up one of these before.
Hotch: That's because I always do it for you after each case.
Morgan: You know what? I'm sorry Strauss is coming down on you.
Hotch: This is not about Strauss.
Morgan: Really? I disagree. Look, I understand that you're under the gun. But I gotta say it. I'm really not all that surprised. I've watched you walk away from a bunch of cops gunning down unsubs in D.C. You walked in unprotected to a hostage situation in Louisville. Of course the Bureau's worried about you. Man, I'm worried about you. But just because you're the one who's under the magnifying glass, that doesn't mean I can't do my job.
Hotch: Morgan, there's a big part of your job that I do for you because I don't need you worried about paperwork and politics. I need you on the field and focused and catching the next unsub. But I can't do that anymore. I don't have to justify my orders to you, and you do have to follow them.
Morgan: I've always followed your orders when they made sense.
Hotch: Well, if you have a problem with this one, tell me now.
Morgan: You're the boss.
Hotch: Have a seat. The Bureau think that my ability to lead this team has been compromised. What do you think?
Morgan: Sometimes I question you, Hotch. But at the end of the day, I do respect you. You're the leader of this team, and my job is to have your back.
Hotch: Well, that's not important to the Bureau. They've been questioning me since Foyet's attack. And they're not entirely wrong. I've tried to do my best, but what matters now is if Strauss replaces me, this whole unit will come under scrutiny. Members will be reassigned, budgets will be cut.
Morgan: Come on, Hotch, nobody's gonna replace you. Fight Strauss. I'll go to the mat for you. So will everybody else. You know that.
Hotch: Morgan, it won't work. Decisions like this have their own momentum... unless I step down.
Morgan: Step down? What are you talking about?
Hotch: I'm resigning as unit chief at the end of the week.
Morgan: What? No! Hotch, look, yeah, ok, sometimes your actions, I may disagree with them, but it's not enough for you to leave this team.
Hotch: I'm not leaving the team, I'm just no longer in charge. You are.
Morgan: Me? Look, I had the chance to be unit chief in New York, and I said no. I turned it down because I like this team. Strauss can't just fire you like this.
Hotch: She can reassign me. And we can avoid that if I promote internally.
Morgan: This is wrong.
Hotch: It's the only way to keep the team together.
Morgan: So all of this-- This is why you've been pushing me so hard, huh?
Hotch: I haven't been pushing you that hard.
Morgan: Wow.
Hotch: Morgan, I need to know right now-- will you do this?
Morgan: This would be temporary. Once we catch Foyet, all this goes back to normal.
Hotch: Let's get started.
Morgan: What's all this?
Hotch: This is the job, unless you have other plans.
Morgan: Not tonight.
5.06 - The Eyes Have It
Garcia: So, did anyone explain why Hotch is stepping down?
JJ: All Morgan said this morning is that it's happening. And it's business as usual.
Emily: So we're just supposed to move forward without any discussion?
Reid: After Foyet, I think we'd have to be ready for anything.
Hotch: If you need privacy, please use my office.
Morgan: That's ok. We're done here.
Hotch: And when we get back, I'll clear everything out and it'll be all yours.
Morgan: Hotch, I don't want your office.
Strauss: I agree with agent Hotchner. The team leader needs a proper office.
Morgan: All due respect, Ms. Strauss, but both of you have trusted me to step in as acting unit chief. I'm asking that you respect my decision. I've decided that I don't want Hotch's office. That's where he belongs. If necessary, we can discuss this again at a later date, but right now, we really need to get started on this case.
Garcia: Hey, wait. Before you hang up, how's my Morgan doing?
Reid: Fine.
Garcia: I know the man is fine. How's he holding up as head honcho?
JJ: Well, he's stressed, but he's on top of it. Speaking of which, there is something you could do for him.
Garcia: Name it.
Rossi: He's doing a good job.
Hotch: He is.
Rossi: Have you thought about how this is going to end?
Hotch: What do you mean?
Rossi: Morgan as our unit chief is a temporary thing.
Hotch: It is.
Rossi: He's a natural leader. He'll excel. What happens when he's asked to step down?
Rossi: Thought I'd beat everyone here.
Morgan: No.
Rossi: You here all night? You know you can't do that again, right?
Morgan: Rossi, when you walked in here, I really thought you were gonna tell me that there was another victim. We're having no luck at all trying to find this guy on paper.
Rossi: That's why we step away. Get some sleep, come back fresh.
Morgan: We're looking for a doctor who is also a hunter and a formal mental patient who happens to be cutting people's eyes out.
Rossi: Trust the profile. When we get him, it'll all make sense.
Garcia: Voila.
Morgan: What are we doing in Hall's office?
Garcia: Um, it's kind of not Hall's office anymore. It's your office.
Morgan: What?
Garcia: JJ made some calls. Agent Hall's retiring in a month, but he's finishing his caseload at home, so, while you all were away, mama set to work clearing out the rest of his boxes and setting up an uber office fit for our acting unit chief.
Morgan: Garcia, this is for real?
Garcia: It's kind of blah for my taste, but I figured you needed to keep up with agency standards. I did make you your own... Secret fun zone.
Morgan: Woman, you have lost your mind.
Garcia: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: But you are the best.
Garcia: I completely agree.
Morgan: Come here.
Garcia: I will leave you alone to mark your territory.
Morgan: Hey. Thank you. Very much.
Garcia: You are ever so welcome.
5.07 - The Performer
JJ: You remember Detective Owen Kim?
Hotch: From the stalker case.
JJ: You remember that case, don't you, Spence?
Reid: I do remember that case.
JJ: Yeah, you ever talk to, um, Lila anymore?
Reid: You know, I think we should probably focus on this case right now. It's a little more pertinent.
Garcia: The password was Cullen.
JJ: Of course.
Reid: Colon?
JJ: Cullen. The vampire family from 'Twilight'.
Reid: What's 'Twilight'?
JJ: Do you ever read anything other than technical books?
Reid: Not much in English.
JJ: How's the profile coming?
Reid: I don't know. I never really feel ready, you know?
JJ: It'll be fine. I am gonna go talk to Tara's bff before the media requests come in and it gets too crazy.
Reid: What's a bff?
JJ: (sighs) Best friend forever.
Reid: Should I go with you?
JJ: No. You have a profile to deliver.
Reid: I should really work on it a little more.
JJ: Reid.
Reid: What are you doing with my phone?
JJ: Derek, hey, um, Spence is ready for the profile. Why, yes he is, right here. I'll be back.
Reid: (at the phone) Hey.
Reid: A woman-- what changes, what doesn't? Older female... Oh, no.
Reid: Hey, do you guys think Davies will continues to perform as Dante?
Emily: The character's probably responsible for the murder of 4 women. If he has any conscience at all, Dante died with them.
JJ: Thanks.
Emily: Are you ok?
JJ: Yeah. Doctor said it'll be sore for a while, but I'm fine, really.
Reid: I feel so bad I didn't go with you to interview Gina.
JJ: Spence, stop, all right? We had no way of knowing she was gonna be dangerous. She was just a friend of a victim. Granted, a schizophrenic friend with a sociopathic partner.
Emily: And a shovel.
Morgan: Seriously, Reid, we had no way of knowing that Gina had that type of anger inside of her.
Reid: Yeah, but she was obsessed with Dante. I should have known that that level of fixation can lead to manipulation.
Hotch: But only when the fixation's coupled with schizophrenia, which we had no way of knowing.
Emily: Still it never ceases to amaze me how dark obsession can get.
Rossi: And with a pop star? I mean, I was obsessed with the Rat Pack, but I wouldn't have killer for Frank or Dean.
Hotch: No, you just drank whiskey and smoked cigars.
Rossi: This from the man who's favorite record is the Beatles' white album.
Hotch: Just because Manson hijacked it doesn't have to ruin it for the rest of us.
Reid: That's why I stick to Beethoven. There's no chance of guilt by association.
Emily: Well, yeah. Have you ever seen a movie called 'A clockwork orange'?
Reid: Mm-mmm.
5.08 - Outfoxed
JJ: Geographically, both of them are thousands of miles away from their family. Communication's all they had-- Emails, phone calls, letters.
Garcia: But that's military communication. Even between families, it requires a kind of juice I'm not allowed to use.
JJ: Come on. You hacked into the FBI database.
Garcia: And they gave me a job. And I like my job. And I like my life.
Hotch: Karl, just now you said that this wasn't over for me. What did you mean by that?
Karl: (chuckles) He's just getting warmed up. It's just... You don't see it. But you will.
Hotch: I don't think this woman has anything to do with Karl.
Emily: I encouraged him. Ohh. I flirted with him. Made it personal. Getting intimate with a killer is... so different.
Hotch: It's what we do.
Emily: Yeah. But... There's no fixing how I feel right now, is there?
Hotch: No. But it helped the case. And you did what you had to.
Karl: So you think you found my admirer. A woman.
Emily: No. We found the killer.
Karl: With my help, of course.
Emily: You admirer is exactly like everyone who contacts you-- lost.
Karl: My love, your guy is far from lost.
Hotch: We're done.
Karl: So is he. "Look at what I have done". It's quite brilliant, you know?
Hotch: We will find whoever sent you that.
Karl: No, agent Hotchner, I rather think he's already found you.
Emily: Hotch. Hotch.
Karl: I can't believe you can't see what he's doing.
Emily: What is going on?
Karl: He's torturing him.
Emily: Who?
Karl: It's great to see you squirm, agent Hotchner.
Emily: Foyet.
Karl: (laughing) He knew you'd come.
5.09 - 100
Strauss: Please say your name and rank for the record.
JJ: Supervisory special agent Jennifer Jareau, communications liaison for the behavioral analysis unit in Quantico, Virginia.
Strauss: And how long have you been a member of the BAU?
JJ: 6 years.
Strauss: Could you speak up, please?
JJ: Sorry. 6 years.
Strauss: And have you worked under agent Hotchner the entire time?
JJ: No, ma'am. I currently report to acting unit chief Derek Morgan.
Strauss: Who took over the unit because agent Hotchner's ability to lead the team had become compromised.
JJ: I--I don't believe that's the reason.
Strauss: You have a different opinion?
JJ: It's not just an opinion.
Strauss: You have a different understanding?
JJ: SSA Hotchner voluntarily stepped down so we could continue to do our jobs unhindered.
Strauss: How would you describe agent Hotchner's recent behavior?
JJ: Driven.
Strauss: Driven. Agent Jareau, your entire team is on the line if I cannot reconcile an adequate account of agent Hotchner's investigation into George Foyet.
JJ: We were all investigating the Reaper. SSA Hotchner was not the only one, especially after he sent us that calling card.
Strauss: The newspaper articles he mailed to Karl Arnold.
JJ: 2 letters from 2 different locations. They ramped us all back up again. I should just starting at the beginning. Foyet had done a lot of injury to himself in the original string of killings, in an effort to paint himself as a victim and throw us off the investigation. As a result, he became dependent upon a large number of extremely strong medications. We'd been searching the country for patients with that exact prescription combination, but we hadn't had any luck.
JJ: Found it.
Will: He's still not taking his bottle.
JJ: Here. Let me try. Hey... Can you take your bottle, please? Can you take-- oh... Thank you so much. Oh, yeah. You are definitely mama's little boy, huh?
Will: Just like his daddy. Hey, if you have to go, go ahead. I can take care of this.
JJ: I don't know what I would do if I were in Hotch's shoes. If I ever had to say goodbye to you and Henry because--
Will: We're not going anywhere. We're not. You're tracking the prescriptions, you're tracking the postmarks. Aside from another body landing on your doorstep, you're doing all you can.
JJ: I hope so, for Hotch's sake.
Strauss: Would you like some water?
Garcia: No, thank you, ma'am.
Strauss: Are you all right?
Garcia: I-- I'm just not, uh, comfortable with any of this. It's not ok.
Strauss: What do you mean?
Garcia: In my opinion, everyone is asking the wrong questions. Doesn't anybody care about what the reaper did to them, how many people he hurt? All anyone seems to care about is... This just isn't right.
Strauss: Do you think that agent Hotchner was acting... agitate or unreasonable?
Garcia: He... No, no, he-- He was freaked out about his family. Which, considering what happened, I'd say was perfectly reasonable.
Strauss: Once the team located George Foyet's potential apartment, why didn't they BAU enter immediately? Agent Rossi?
Rossi: Hmm?
Strauss: I asked you a question.
Rossi: Gold is still going up. But knowing when to get out, that's the trick.
Strauss: (turn off recorder) What are you doing?
Rossi: What the point of all this, Erin? Why?
Strauss: So this never happens again.
Rossi: There is nothing a bureaucrat can do to make sure that something like this never happens again.
Strauss: So we just wait for the next bloodbath? (turn on recorder) Why did you wait so long before going to Foyet's apartment?
Rossi: We had to be sure he was there. If we went in and he wasn't, he would know we found him. Of course, the longer we waited, the more time he had to... It was an impossible decision.
Strauss: So who made it? Agent Hotchner?
Strauss: You left for marshal Kassmeyer's house immediately?
Reid: Yes, ma'am.
Strauss: Wouldn't this be a job for a tactical team?
Reid: We felt that it would take too much time to get authorization for another operation.
Strauss: We?
Reid: All of us.
Strauss: Don't you mean agent Hotchner wanted that?
Reid: No, I mean all of us wanted that. I know what you're thiking, and I agree it would be easy for us to blame him.
Strauss: Easy?
Reid: Yeah. Why not just say it's his fault and then we can all just forget about it. But, uh, the problem is, I have an eidetic memory, and that's not what happened.
Strauss: Do you believe it was marshal Kassmeyer's fault that agent Hotchner's family was compromised?
Reid: Absolutely not.
Strauss: You answered that very quickly.
Reid: When you're being tortured, there's no end in sight, except giving them what they want.
Strauss: And Kassmeyer didn't do that?
Reid: He withstood everything that Foyet had.
Strauss: Anget Prentiss.
Emily: Ma'am.
Strauss: We understand that agent Hotchner managed to separate himself from the rest of the team.
Emily: He didn't "manage" to do that. When marshal Kassmeyer was in the ambulance--
Strauss: Agent Hotchner volunteered to ride along.
Emily: To get answer before he lost consciousness.
Strauss: Why didn't you go with him?
Emily: It didn't seem necessary.
Strauss: Did you tell that?
Emily: Is that what you're looking for, a way to blame this on him? What good could that possibly do?
Strauss: Agent Hotchner was looking for an opportunity to separate himself from the team and he found one.
Emily: That isn't true.
Strauss: He was desperate and he didn't want someone with a clear head to stop him.
Emily: Is there a question in there somewhere?
Strauss: Tell me what happened while agent Hotchner was in the ambulance.
Emily: We contacted the U.S. Marshals. They said Haley was in the wind. She had dumped her cell phone, so there was no way to track her.
Strauss: And how did agent Hotchner react to that news?
Foyet: Angent Hotchner.
Hotch: If you touch her...
Foyet: Be gentle, like I was with you? What the hell took you so long? I was beginning to think this phone was dead or something. Why so quiet? You usually lash out when you're frustrated.
Hotch: I'm not frustrated. You're more predictable then you think.
Foyet: Am I?
Hotch: You didn't know where Haley was, so you made her come to you.
Foyet: You make me sound lazy.
Hotch: Just another way for you to show control.
Foyet: Oh, that's terrible.
Hotch: You're mother tried to protect you from you father, but she wasn't strong enough. And you hated her for that, didn't you? You decided that all the women were weak.
Foyet: Those are your words, not mine.
Hotch: What were you, 9 when you killed them?
Foyet: It was a car accident.
Hotch: That you couldn't take credit for. That had to be hard for you. But poor George got another chance. The little orphan was saved by the wealthy, sterile eastside couple, the Foyets. And the story should have ended there.
Foyet: I don't believe in fairy tales. Do you?
Hotch: That's the thing, George. This isn't a fairy tale. You don't have to write this story. You don't have to any of this. I know you're exhausted. Always looking over your shoulder, always wondering when the other shoe is gonna drop. Haven't you gotten what you wanted? You've set yourself apart from anybody we've ever dealt with. You're not just a famous serial killer, you're the Reaper. We're gonna study you and your methods for years and years.
Foyet: You know what I've been thinking? Haley looks pretty good with dark hair. She's lost some weight. Must be all the stress you caused her. Where's the little man? Oh. There he is. Does he like captain America because of you?
Strauss: And you still didn't know where Foyet was?
Morgan: The phone belonged to a U.S. Marshal. It was designed to bounce between towers, so we could not pinpoint his location.
Strauss: And agent Hotchner was driving around aimlessly.
Morgan: No. He wasn't. We had Foyet's profile, and we knew if we followed it, we would know where he took Hotch's family.
Hotch: You're so strong, Haley. You're stronger than I never was.
Haley: You'll hurry, right?
Hotch: I know you didn't sign on for this.
Haley: Neither did you.
Hotch: I'm sorry for everything.
Haley: Promise me that you will tell him how we met and how you used to make me laugh.
Hotch: Haley...
Haley: He needs to know that you weren't always so serious, Aaron. I want him to believe in love, because it is the most important thing. But you need to show him. Promise me.
Hotch: I promise.
(3 gunshots)
Morgan: And I don't know what happened after that.
Jack: I work the case daddy, just like you said.
Hotch: You did a great job, buddy.
Jack: What happened to you, daddy?
Hotch: I'm ok. I want you to go outside with Ms. Jareau. Ok?
Hotch: There was nothing I could do for her. She was already...
Strauss: She died fairly quickly. One of the wounds severed her aorta, and they don't think that she... And they don't think that she suffered much. Agent Hotchner, what do you think would have happened if George Foyet had gotten up from that floor? If you didn't kill him?
Hotch: I don't have to think. I know he would have tried to kill my son, too.
Strauss: That's good enough for me. Any questions? Agent Hotchner. I'm so sorry for your loss. And... If you or your son need anything...
Hotch: Thank you…
Hotch: poet Haniel Long said, "So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty."
5.10 - The Slave of Duty
Hotch: W.S. Gilbert wrote, "it's love that makes the world go 'round." And if that's true, then the world spun a little faster with Haley in it. Haley was my best friend since we were in high school. We certainly had our struggles, but if there's one thing we agreed on unconditionally, it was our love and commitment to our son Jack. Haley's love for Jack was joyous and fierce. That fierceness is why she isn't here today. A mother's love is an unrivaled force of nature. And we can all learn much from the way Haley lived her life. Haley's death causes each of us to stop and take stock of our lives. To measure who we are and what we've become. I don't have all those answers for myself, but I know who Haley was. She was the woman who died protecting the child we brought into this world together. And I will make sure that Jack grows up knowing who his mother was and how she loved and protected him and how much I loved her. If Haley were with us today, she would ask us not to mourn her death but to celebrate her life. She would tell us... She would tell us to love our families unconditionally... And to hold them close, because in the end, they are all that matter. I met Haley at the tryouts of our high school's production of "The Pirates of Penzance." I found our copy of the play and was looking through it the other night, and I came upon a passage that seemed... appropriate for this moment. "Oh, dry the glistening tear that dews that martial cheek. Thy loving children hear, in them thy comfort seek. With sympathetic care their arms around thee creep, for, oh, they cannot bear to see their father weep."
Emily: What do we do?
Morgan: There's nothing we can do. We just gotta wait him out.
Reid: You think he'll ever come back?
JJ: Would you?
Morgan: He'll come back. I just don't know what he's gonna look like when he does.
JJ: We just need to be there for him when he's ready.
Hotch: You know, I broke my promise to Haley.
Rossi: What promise?
Hotch: I told her that I would catch Foyet and that I'd... spend the rest of my life making it up to her.
Rossi: You still can. You saved Jack.
Hotch: You know, I may have the tools to do this job, but I don't know if I have the tools to help my son.
Rossi: You have to ask yourself what kind of father you want to be. And when you figure that out, then you'll know what to do.
Hotch: I meant what I said today. Things have changed. And I need to do what's best for Jack.
Rossi: You will.
Hotch: Hey, buddy, is time for pjs.
Jack: Can I watch one more time? I'm waiting for mommy.
Hotch: I miss her, too.
Jack: Can I sleep in your room again?
Hotch: Sure. Ok, come on.
Jessica: He built those himself. I hope it's ok.
Hotch: Of course. Listen, I really appreciate your coming over. All your help and support, it's been great.
Jessica: He's my nephew, and you're my family. I'll be here as much as you want.
Hotch: The Bureau has offered me retirement.
Jessica: What did you tell them?
Hotch: You know, Jack needs me now more than ever. That means being here full-time. After Haley and I were apart, he didn't have me very much, and that was hard, but I knew that at least he had his mom. And right now he really needs his dad.
Jessica: Of course he does, Aaron. We both know you and Haley didn't separate because you stopped loving each other. Your job just got in the way. Your team needed you, and despite this offer, I doubt that's changed. Maybe you don't need to retire. What if I stay with Jack when you have to be away?
Hotch: Jessica, I appreciate that...
Jessica: Please... It would mean a lot to me if you'd let me help out with Jack. For Haley.
Rossi: Where is everybody?
Morgan: Well, JJ and Reid are checking on a lead, and Prentiss is recanvassing with detective Kaminski.
Rossi: Good. Then we can talk.
Morgan: Rossi... It's his team. I'm not gonna stand in the way of that.
Rossi: It might not come to that.
Morgan: What do you mean?
Rossi: Strauss offered him retirement.
Morgan: He'll never accept it.
Rossi: Don't be so sure. This job cost him his wife.
Morgan: It cost him that a long time ago.
Rossi: Which is why he won't let it cost him his son.
Morgan: What do you think he'll do?
Rossi: It doesn't matter what I think. What matters is whether you'll be willing to step down if he comes back. Or step up if he doesn't.
Morgan: I'm gonna do whatever Hotch needs me to do. He's lost enough.
Emily: Fantasy's over. Is that what you did to them? You hit them to shut them up and then forced them to play along with your sick delusion?
Joe: I love them.
Emily: You're finally go meet your soul mate, Joe. In prison. Only you're not gonna be able to push him around the way you did to those women. And when he comes for you in the middle of the night, when you're least expecting it, you do me a favor. Play along.
Rossi: I had a feeling I'd find you here. Have you told her yet?
Hotch: Told her what?
Rossi: That you're coming back to the team. That fighting the bad guys is who you are.
Hotch: I don't have to tell her. She already knows.