Tv Show Meme - Day 15

Mar 14, 2011 22:27

Takeng from chainer-morgana

15 Days Fan Facts Meme

- Write down all shows you can think of within one minute (only shows you used to watch or still watch, of course).
- Take the first 15. If you don't have 15, take another minute.
- Do the meme for these shows; one show every day.
- Encourage your f-list to do the meme as well to find out what kind of fan they are.
- If you want, add a 16th show on the last day.

Show's name and premiere year: The Big Bang Theory (2007)
First watched (year/month): 2010, June
Your first episode: 1.01 - Pilot
Reason you started watching it: And again just_chiara convinced me, but she did the right thing, that's the funniest sit-com EVER!!!
Still watching / Watched till end?: Still watching and with all the intentions to watch till the end *.*
-> If answered with NO - Why?: -- //
Ship(s): Leonard/Penny
Favourite character(s): Sheldon XD Is it really necessary to say why? XD
How much of a fan are/were you?: Normal ;)

tv || the big bang theory, varie || meme: 15 days ffm

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