Tv Show Meme - Day 1

Feb 16, 2011 20:32

Takeng from chainer-morgana

15 Days Fan Facts Meme

- Write down all shows you can think of within one minute (only shows you used to watch or still watch, of course).
- Take the first 15. If you don't have 15, take another minute.
- Do the meme for these shows; one show every day.
- Encourage your f-list to do the meme as well to find out what kind of fan they are.
- If you want, add a 16th show on the last day.

Show's name and premiere year: Friday Night Lights (2006 - 2011)
First watched (year/month): 2009, February
Your first episode: 1.01 - Pilot
Reason you started watching it: I needed to stop just_chiara. She continued to tell me 'look FNL', 'it's beautiful, you will like it'. So, I really needed to stop her... that's the reason because I started one of the most beautiful show that I ever watched *.*
Still watching / Watched till end?: Don't let me thinking at the serie finale or I can start to cry again... anyway YES!!! I watched FNL until the very end.
-> If answered with NO - Why?: -- //
Ship(s): Coach Taylor/Tami Taylor, Tim Riggins/Jason Street, Tim Riggins/Tyra Collette, Matt Saracen/Julie Taylor, Becky Sproles/Luke Cafferty
Favourite character(s): Like always it's hard because I loved every single characters of this show. If I have to choose someone, I can choose Coach Taylor and Jason Street. Coach Taylor because he is everything. He is the man. But not a hero, simply a man. A husband, a father and a coach. He was always there for his guys, always there for his family. He mistaken during the show, he did, but in the end he always choose the right way. And Jason... I loved Jason because he was the number one. He was the loved son. The amazing player. The good student. Jason Street, the good guy. And then, in a moment, everything changed for Jason Street. But he didn't leave what happened to him to change who he was. He fought. He fought with all his strength. He fought until he found his way. I admire Jason Street because he is a fighter.
How much of a fan are/were you?: Huge, I can say. At some point I stopped to count the numbers of the time that I re-watch the episodes of this show. I read fanfiction, I wrote about FNL... yes, I can considere myself a huge fan of this show.

tv || friday night lights, varie || meme: 15 days ffm

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