A simply brilliant show. I felt in love with all the characters from the pilot and I like every one of them at every episode *.* The thing that I like most of this show it's the way that the writers manage to put together drama, crime action, irony, funny moments. This show is a big mix of all this things that put together create something original and that it doesn't bore me. All the characters are perfect: Nate, the mastermind; Hardison the hacker (and let me say something more about Aldis because seriously this guy is amazing *.* I hated him in FNL. He was an asshole like Voodoo but here he totally changes. He's a really great actor *.*); Eliot the hitter (and even for Christian is the same speech like for Aldis, I mean I didn't like him in Angel but now... OMG I totally love him *.*); Parker, my amazing and fantastic Parker *.* I totally love this girl... she's the perfect crazy thief; and then Sophie, a great and gorgeous woman, the grifter. And the most amazing thing is that all of them are really more of what they seem. Seriously I started to watch this show just for curiosity (I saw a lot of picspam here) but in the end... it became another amazing obsession *.*