Jul 10, 2005 12:14
~*~There’s only one thing you don’t mess with…A girl’s heart.~*~
Extrememly Pissed Right Now. You Don't have to know where I am and who I'm with every second of the day. Don't get in our faces. Don't check in on me when you get worried. You're not involved in any of this so maybe you shouldn't worry about stuff. I'd understand MAYBE if you wanted to know just about everythig if you were extremely close to me or if yu were a boyfriend but you're not. You're not even close to that. So Back off. And AnYoNe for that matter don't try to control me and tell me who I can talk to and do what with - no one is OwNeD, People can act out of free will. You dont control me or anyone else. We can do what we want. I will talk to whoever i want to, hang out with whoever i want to, like whoever i want to, love whoever i want to .. heck, i'll do whatever i want with whomever i want. You're not in charge of my life and who I hang out with. The last time I checked I can hang out with whoever the heck I want to. I'm sick and tired of pleasing other people or doing things only so i dont make someone mad. For once in my life I'm going to do what I want and please myself. I'm HaPpY for once .. respect that and let me be. No you know what? - I'm ReAlLy Happy so EVERYONE can shut Up and Leave Me Alone!!