when I say jump (1/?)

Jan 02, 2012 21:34

2007 words

Maybe it was the fifth beer on top of all those soju shots that had Jaejoong in a position like this, or maybe it was just the simple fact that the man who’s legs Jaejoong was currently kneeling between had the most amazing thighs he had seen in a long time. Either way, Jaejoong didn’t really care right now, bracing his hands on said thighs and wrenching them a little further apart so he could mouth at the man’s denim-covered erection. There was a hand in his hair, urging him to go a little faster and Jaejoong merely smiled, taking his time to leave a warm, wet spot on the front of the man’s jeans.

“In a hurry to go somewhere?” Jaejoong asked teasingly as he flicked the zip downwards and set his mouth to work again, hands digging firmly into the man’s thighs to stop him from bucking his hips forward too much.

“I did say you could stay the night, didn’t I?” A laugh, the hold on Jaejoong’s hair loosening a fraction. “Take your time,” came the strained yet amused voice from above. It was a nice sounding voice, Jaejoong decided as he swiveled his tongue around the man’s head and went deeper still, coming back up with a deliberate slowness that had the man swearing under his breath. Good to go with the thighs, even if the face was a bit of a blur now. Goddamned soju and smoke filled clubs. At least Jaejoong had the reassurance that if he looked up now, he wouldn’t be looking at something too horrible. Jaejoong had high standards even when drunk, thank you very much, and if the plush, feather-soft carpet he was kneeling on was anything to go by, it looked like he had kept them at a pretty good level indeed, tonight.


Jaejoong lazily lifted his eyes and let his mouth slide back up to the very tip, pulling away with an indecent sound to tilt his head upwards. “Hmm? Something not to your liking?” Oh, not too horrible indeed, tonight’s catch had cheekbones high enough to die from and a-

A thump as Jaejoong’s back hit the carpet, the man calmly settling himself on top of Jaejoong’s hips and grinding downwards in a way that had Jaejoong’s mouth opening in a small oh.

“Just had the feeling that you had something on your mind.”

“And this is supposed to get my mind back on track, I suppose?” Jaejoong placed an arm behind his head, propping himself up to watch. A buzz of pleasure was starting to build amidst all the alcoholic haze in his mind and Jaejoong could only let out a strangled sound when his briefs were pulled down to his knees, a delicious friction jolting every nerve awake as the man rocked against Jaejoong, cock still slick from when it had been in Jaejoong’s mouth.

“Why don’t you tell me now?” Another laugh, deeper this time and Jaejoong could only fist handfuls of the carpet as he canted his hips upwards, needing more and getting exactly that. “Back on track yet?”

“Very much so,” agreed Jaejoong, all thoughts about standards and carpets and god knows what else in between abandoned as he hooked one leg around the man’s back. “Now shut up and fuck me.”



Jaejoong let out a groan as he sat up, well aware that he didn’t own sheets with a thread count this high, which only meant that this wasn’t his bed and last night had gone a bit further than he had counted on. Fuck that. Fuck that to hell and back, he hadn’t planned to stay the night at all so why was he waking up naked and sore in a stranger’s bed? The man from last night was standing in the doorway of his bedroom, pot of coffee in one hand while the other cradled a steaming mug.

“Mother of god-…”

“No, I’ve only got coffee, sorry,” came the deadpan and Jaejoong found himself smiling despite the beginnings of a hangover starting to throb behind his eyes.

“I’ll pass, thanks.”

“Bathroom’s to your left if you need to shower or something,” continued the man as he leaned against the door, watching with barely hidden amusement as Jaejoong fumbled to look for last night’s clothes and dress as fast as humanly possible, swearing hard under his breath when he checked the time on his cellphone. Seven thirty. Fuck fuck fuck his life over.

“Thanks, I’m already running late as it is.” A hand through his hair and Jaejoong only had time to make himself look mildly presentable before stumbling back out of the bathroom, picking his coat off the floor and shrugging it on. Of all days to wake up hungover and late in a stranger’s bed, it had to be today, hadn’t it? “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stay this late.”

“Well I did say you could stay the night, so it’s fine,” came the idle reply, the man having swapped the mug in his hand for a bottle of mineral water while Jaejoong had been trying his best not to step out into the streets looking too thoroughly fucked out. He shrugged and tossed the bottle to Jaejoong who barely caught it, motor functions still a little fizzled out from last night. “Come on, I’ll drive you to the nearest subway or something. I don’t have to get to work till later anyways.”


Maybe there was a god in this world after all, decided Jaejoong later as he smoothened down the lapels of his suit, checking his appearance in the elevator’s reflective doors before they slid open and admitted him onto the 17th floor. Yunho, which was apparently the man’s name, had graciously dropped him off at the subway six blocks away and refused any payment that Jaejoong wanted to give him as gas money.

“Trade numbers with me,” he had said instead, grinning all the while and Jaejoong had scrawled his cell phone number on the man’s hand. “I’ll consider things even if you call me later.” It wasn’t a bad trade, really, Jaejoong found himself thinking as he navigated his way past the office cubicles. Gas didn’t come cheap these days and Yunho hadn’t been a bad fuck at all, even if he was a bit pushy when it came to being on top.

“Nervous?” crooned a voice next to him and Jaejoong didn’t even have to break his stride to know that Yoochun from Human Resources had finally caught wind of his arrival. Trust Yoochun to be hanging around an area that had absolutely nothing to do with department at all. Why they were friends, Jaejoong didn’t even know sometimes, Yoochun falling in step next to him with a pleased hum.

“Were you hoping I’d be?” Jaejoong asked placidly, turning a corner and pausing at the electronic double glass doors that separated the regular paper pushers from senior staff, calmly rummaging in his coat pocket for his access card. God, he hoped it hadn’t accidentally fallen out onto Yunho’s floor last night, not that he wouldn’t appreciate having a legitimate reason to make use of the man’s number…

“Darling you do know that there’s an office-wide bet going around the lovely ladies down at Accounting, right? Now what sort of friend would I be if I didn’t check up on you to see how well you’re handling the pressure?”

Jaejoong made a scoffing sound in Yoochun’s general direction as he checked his pocket on the other side. “Pressure? Please, Yoochun. I’ve been having pressure with my cereal every morning since I joined this place. Marketing makes hell look like Disneyland.” Goddammit where was his card? At least he wasn’t running as late as he thought he would be, there was a good ten minutes to nine after all and if Yoochun’s intel was to be believed, Logistics’ department head rarely came in before that.

Back in Marketing, Choi used to be at his desk by eight to keep up with the corporation’s international contacts which meant Jaejoong had to be at his by then as well, Jaejoong taking a moment to silently bless the person who had approved his transfer to Logistics. Another day of making sure that Choi’s decaf coffee had exactly two and 1/3 cubes of sugar in it on top of persuading the buyers in Madagascar to have just one more teleconference before the weekend started all while entertaining the tarts from Accounting who demanded to see every last company expense receipt since before the dawn of time was going to give him a stomach ulcer in the long run and like hell Jaejoong was going to die in such an undignified way.

Yoochun waved a dismissive hand by Jaejoong’s side, a scoff of his own. “You think you lot from Marketing know about pressure? Just so you know, HR has around four dinners worth of cash on you hightailing it back downstairs after two weeks but just because I like you, I’ve bet against that, alright?”

“Right,” grunted Jaejoong, having heard only about three syllables worth out of Yoochun’s mouth and was now on the verge of turning his coat pockets inside out to find his thrice-damned access card. Of all times for this to happen, god, maybe this was karma for going out and getting fucked on the eve of his transfer. He could see it in his mind’s eye now, some higher power intervening so that the plastic card would end up nestled among the soft fibers of Yunho’s carpet…

“Left your card somewhere?”

A card was tapped against the reader and it beeped obediently, Jaejoong feeling himself stiffen almost immediately even as the door opened and he automatically started to place one foot in front of the other to step aside to let the other person go in first. Oh god. Oh dear god, no, there was no way, absolutely no way in all seven levels of hell that-

“Ah, sir,” chirped Yoochun. “Good morning, you’re early today.”

--this was happening to him, no, what had he done in his past life to deserve this? Had he invaded a country? Raped and plundered a helpless village? Maybe it wasn’t him, there were numerous people in Seoul, weren’t there? And many voices did sound rather similar-

“A bit, I suppose, I was already awake from errand running in the morning anyways. Say, Park, when you get back to HR, would you mind letting Baek know that the office boy from Management sent us HR’s package again? God, you’d think that by now they’d learn to differentiate between 17 and 16, no?”

“Of course, I’ll let him know, sir.”

“Good man. And you, you’re the transfer who’ll be with me, am I right? Kim from Marketing? Ms.Sung already cleared her desk and coded the desktop to your company account last week so you should find everything in order.”

Jaejoong could literally feel his heart plummet into the depths of his gut as he mechanically turned around to face the man he had just sucked off and spread his legs for every which way the night before. The man who had offered him coffee the morning after and a ride to the subway station. The man who, against all rhyme and reason of the universe, was suddenly…here. Of all the godforsaken offices in this city.

“Yes sir,” managed out Jaejoong haltingly and Yunho sized him up with a critical eye before merely nodding his approval, already stalking off towards the sole office at the end of the corridor. Belatedly, Jaejoong realized that there was no mistaking that it really was Yunho from last night; he’d recognize those thighs anywhere.

“Good luck,” murmured Yoochun as he gave Jaejoong an encouraging punch on the shoulder. “Four dinners worth of cash, remember! Quit after fifteen days and I’ll be a rich man.” He slipped out past the doors then and they closed with a barely audible hiss, leaving Jaejoong quite alone and staring incredulously at the retreating back of his new boss.


A/N- The results of listening to one song over and over again while on a two hour car ride. Idek myself D; Happy 2012!

type: chaptered, length: +1000, pairing: jaejoong/yunho, rating: r, fandom: tvxq, genre: fluff

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