I'm waaaaaay beind on LJ squeeing (dude, I had that religious show again & had to caption the phrase "spiritual surgery"), so here goes...
OMG, 715!!!! YAY, BB!!! Say what you will, but 715 homeruns is pretty damn impressive. (Also impressive: Barry's witnessed two 715th-career homeruns, his & Hank Aaron's.) The best thing about Barry hitting 715: despite not seeing it happen,
the guy who caught it was in the right place at the right time. Also, he's a true SF Giants and Barry Bonds fan. The worst thing to come from all this:
the play-by-play radio announcer's mike went dead in the middle of the call. That means his "incomplete" call won't be archived at the Hall of Fame.
OMG, YAY #2: two of my favorite celebrities, Angelina Jolie & Gwen Stefani, had babies last week. I know it's too early to call, but Kingston & Shiloh could be a future superstar couple.
I know I've declared Rodney my TV Nemesis, but I have to recommend tonight's ep because John Schneider guest stars & he's pretty funny. Bo Kent gets snarky & possibly a little diva-ish at a celebrity golf tournament. It may or may not include a scene with a Dodge Charger. (If not, then I'm thinking of Robot Chicken.)
I have some questions about Toronto, but I'll save them for tomorrow. I promised
bliss_ pictures of Jason (Jensen) mancrushing on Clark, so here's part one of a somewhat theme-less pic spam:
But first, a video clip nabbed from
khohen1... never mind that they're drunk & on live TV,
Jared, Jensen & Rosenbaum are caught up in their mancrushes.
Dawn Ostroff is a wee & lucky genius. She loves Veronica Mars and hot men. I think she's my favorite network chief, even though she didn't pick up Angel.
Screencaps from a meh episode of Smallville, "Spell." (If you're watching S4 in syndication, "Jinx" and "Spell" will air this weekend.) What "Spell" lacks in logic & plot, it makes up wth shirtless Clark & Jason's burgeoning gayness. He's totally fighting the urge to give Clark a rubdown, but figures that Lex dusts Clark for fingerprints every night. There's also Clark doing his dork dance in boxers, and Lois dressed like a hooker.
First pic is from "Sacred," a better ep mainly because it features a lot of Jason & Lex (Jex). For instance, Jex eloping running off to Shanghai together, and Jex getting shirtless torture together, and Jex fondling stones. Still, "Sacred" is not the gayest episode of season 4. Other pics are Jensen being hot behind-the-scenes. I think he's secretly looking at his Rosenbaum pic instead of studying his script in the last one.
The original WB mancrushers. Mike's into the proprietary hand-on-the-chest hug, isn't he?
More random pic spam tomorrow.
bliss_, I thought I had the People photo shoot, but I was thinking of the Teen People shoot. Although, I've got hi-res pics/scans of both magazine pieces if you want them. I'm not really sure what I have. Name it & I'll see if I've got it :)