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I think TW's used to playing up the gay, after those years of modeling, and MR's been in drag a few times. They're both aware of CLex. Even oh-so-hetero Jason (JA) gets a little gay with Clark & Lex.
All women in Smallville not named Martha, Chloe or Alicia (S3) are blind or stupid, because no one's lusting after Clark. (When he takes off for Metropolis in S3, women are all over him.) Dude, when Lois met Clark, he was naked. She got a good look & still didn't pursue him!
I'm pissed that Lois is so retarded & OOC with movie Lois (they supposedly based her on movie Lois). She fell in love with Aquaman-to-be after he rescued her... WTF?! She ran Bo Kent's senatorial campaign, without prior experience or education? (OMG, she had to attend Smallville High for a semester, and she was over 18.) And seriously, that lazy moron is supposed to become the movie Lois in a few years?! SV Lois isn't even interested in journalism, which would help if she ever went to college.
Heh ..at the rate they're going, nobody is Smallville will get through college until they are middle aged. And I agree with the WTF-ness of Lois. That is where they totally dropped the ball on the show.
And kick ass meg is still kinda hot. No nakedness yet.
Lois shouldn't be on the show this early on. At the very least, they could've made her more than two years older than Clark (I think she's supposed to be 3-5 older) & smart.
Don't like Short Lip. Never have, never will. Girl is not hot & not a decent actor.
Well, I was done with Ty, but Niceole asked me to pick up an extra 5 minutes from the start of my file. So, now I'm doing that, then reviewing. No idea if I'll be done by midnight :(
Ah .. pity. looks like you have a long night ahead of you. No pretty boy picspams out anywhere to make things more fun?
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