The above is the gayest line I've heard on Freddie in weeks. (Last night's ep took forever to caption. I'm blaming the time change.) I'm totally convinced that pornstar!Billie Reed/Dersiree Atkins Krista Allen whammied their set and scared away the gay. I mean, just a few episodes ago, Chris accused Freddie of trying to trade his ass for one [Freddie] liked better.
I wrote Best Friend the weirdest e-mail last night:
"Have you seen my batteries, muffins and Robot Chicken? They could be deep in my trunk. I forgot to check."
Buster 2 gave me some sass about "powering up" with some TiVo updates last night/this morning. Yay for the new "Recently Deleted folder"! But by the time Buster 2 was done, I wasn't in the mood for Grey's Anatomy (did I miss anything good?), so I watched King of the Hill and The Simpsons instead. OMG, I freaked out when I heard the TiVo bloop & saw the delete screen during the Simpsons opening credits. Loved the "Springfield Blows" video. Heh, Jar Jar Binks & Roger Daltrey! I'd always suspected Freddy Krueger was pals with Spielberg and Oprah.
Speaking of Oprah, Terry McMillan & her ex-husband are on today. Don't worry about the backstory; Oprah will hook you up. Just sit back & enjoy the drama. And that Miracle Workers I half-captioned (meaning, I captioned the first half) is on tonight. Honestly, my part isn't as medically graphic as previous eps (nothing will ever beat Charlene & her rolled-out back skin). I'm still not sure where I stand on the ethics of allowing that patient to have the surgery. At least they kept in all the "Oh, she'll make it. She's very strong" footage from her husband and doctor.
Alicia Keys, "If I Ain't Got You" -- When I captioned Showtime at the Apollo last week, they showed the prior week's winner: a guy who played this song on soprano sax. It made me all happy and swoony. Dude, I even swayed in time with the song. And then I remembered that I was at work.
Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx, "Gold Digger" -- I suppose I should be offended by the lyrics (not that I'm a gold digger). Screw that; it's catchy. Kanye's gotta be talking about a real person. I'm behind on my pro athlete groupie gossip, so I have no idea who it is.
The Dears, "Lost in the Plot" -- It took me forever to figure out who did this song. The lead singer sounds like Damon Albarn doing his best Moz impersonation. No way was I gonna call the station & ask, because that's too easy. I finally found it on the station's web site, one year later ;)
Radiohead, "High & Dry" -- Oh, Teh Angst, I loves it! It's supposed to rain today in SoCal (like, real rain; not that sprinkling bullshit), so this song seems appropriate. I think Thom Yorke is the originator of my
Englishman singing in falsetto while playing guitar music kink.
Van Morrison, "Brown Eyed Girl" -- How can you listen to this song and not smile? It's unpossible!
Me First & the Gimme Gimmes, "Hello" -- What do guys in punk bands do when they're bored? They form a cover band & reinterpret well-known songs. Yes, it's a cover of Lionel Ritchie's "Hello," but you've probably never heard it like this.
I'm off to buy new tires, just in time for tomorrow's road trip with BF. (Second day of the baseball season! Whoo hoo!) She's moving in one week. Gah!