Nov 14, 2006 12:28
What rolls down stairs/Alone or in pairs/and makes a buzzity sound?
It's long/A schlong/A marvelous dong
Everyone knows it's Dildo
What fits in a sock/Feels better than cock/And unlike a man it's slow?
It vibrates a bit/Feels great on your clit
Everyone knows it's Dildo
It's Dildo!
It's Dildo!
It's big, it's fleshy, it's ribbed
It's Dildo!
It's Dildo!
Yes, that's right, it's ribbed.
What fits in your crack/Some even have sacks/The penis you don't have to blow?
They're not just for gays/They use double A's
Everyone knows it's Dildo
A Dildo dog/A Dildo plane/Many more vibrating toys
You turn the knob/They buzz and throb
Feels great in girls and boys-
Yes, that's right, folks!
Dildo brand dildos aren't just for women anymore.
We also make a line of butt plugs! (Butt plugs! Butt plugs!)
- What makes you cum/And fits in your bum/Some of them even can glow?
A dink, a dink/In marvellous pink
Everyone knows it's Dildo
A long fleshy tube/Use oil-based lube/Not just for the neighborhood ho's
For a girl on the go/With no time for a beau/It makes for a perfect fellow
They're Dildos!
They're Dildos!
The sex toys that everyone likes
They're Dildos!
They're Dildos!
For gay men and even for dykes
And try new My First Dildo(tm) for kids!
Some Dildos not exactly
as shown. Batteries not
included. Not to be used
as a floatation device.
Some animal testing has
occurred. Please use a
lubricant. Insert
rounded end first. Not
for use in the shower.
May cause choking if
used improperly.
Vaginal flatulance may
ensue. If swallowed, do
not induce vomiting.
Discontinue use if
irritation or abnormal
swelling occur. May
induce labour in
pregnant women. Dildo
brand dildos have
caused cancer in some
laboratory animals. Do
not use excessive force
while inserting Dildos.
May explode if placed in
fire. Dildo brand dildos
are not intended to
replace the male sexual
organ, only as a
temporary substitute
when a penis is not
readily available.