Title: Gravity
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG
Summary: Angst ficlet. (~400 words) There’s a difference between knowing the right path and taking it.
Disclaimer: Star Trek is older than I am. ;)
AN: Unbetad.
Captain Kirk knows what he must do.
There are rules about this sort of thing; rules very specifically put in place to avoid compromising the chain of command. Captain Kirk knows that he cannot continue this affair (which he now must admit the dalliance has become).
If they are found out, he could lose his command. One or both of them might be demoted and at least one of them would definitely be reassigned.
He could lose his Enterprise, his position, or his first officer. His friend could be torn from him and then even if he were allowed to keep his ship, it would feel empty.
Better, he knows, to preserve the majority of his blessings; to keep his reputation, the respect of his superiors and his command. To keep his ship and Spock and not risk that moment when they splintered, by external force or from within, and his life would change irrevocably.
He has to end this while it remains in infancy. They aren’t so far gone that stopping it will ruin them and surely, surely, Spock will accept it without argument when Captain Kirk explains the logic of termination.
They haven’t talked about it yet. Whatever this is, it is embryonic. He’ll end it before they’re discovered. Before it hurts them; before it’s too deep.
Spock steps into Jim’s quarters, leaving behind him the constant brightness of the corridor beyond, to enter deliberate pretence at night within.
Captain Kirk stands impotently; ready to reach a conclusion, when the Vulcan touches him.
Tips of gentle fingers find Jim’s cheek, trace his jaw, tilt his chin up to face an expression of reverence and desire. Feathers of electric silver connect between their skin, teasing and sharing and stealing thoughts.
Spock’s breaths exist to shame all other sounds and another hand meets Jim’s, their fingers sliding to mesh together in a solid grip.
Spock’s lips find Jim’s neck. And Jim decides that the Captain will end this tomorrow.