hmm.. ShAkE iT! DoNt BrAkE iT!

Jun 30, 2005 02:08

i want a boyfriend.

..someone who loves me for me and knows how to TaKe CaRe oF mE aNd PrOtEcT mE..

i don't need a guy who is willing to spend $$ on me.. i need a guy who is willing to talk to me for HOURS on the phone..

I want him to be able to lay around and watch a MoOoViE with me on a FriDaY NiGhT instead of going to a *PaRtY*..

i want a guy who knows me almost too well.. to where he can FiNiSh My SeNtEnCeS.. but is still interested in EvErYtHiNg i have to say..

i NeEd to be comfortable around him.. comfortable with My BoDy aNd My MiNd..

i want to be able to be wearing ANYTHING and still have him think im BeAuTiFuL.

i want to be able to say the StUpiDeSt things and he'll still think that iM a GeNiUs..

..but mostly, i want a guy who LoVeS me.

and only me. <3
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