Thursday night was my first time at a bar in a while. Myself, Mike, Kirk and Joe were at Mikes house and Joe had a "pimp hat" with a pirate skull and crossbones on it. We picked on him the whole night. I cant remember any quotes, but it was funny at the time. Joey was getting so pissed.. haha. During that night, we started playing Asshole, I have played before but I couldnt remember teh rules or how to play... so I was asshole like 6 times /9 ahahahaha. AH well... xD Joe... however, was captain or president or wtf ever it was like 8/9 games.. that asshole -.- Joe didnt go to the bar with us though.
Saw a few people at the bar I knew from school and cadets. My buddy Robbie was there, he was so fucked... haha. But hes fucked either way... sober or drunk.. there is no difference. xD
When I went home, i went straight to bed. I woke up with a lil hangover :(
The next day, I went to go pay a bill. Turns out when I checked my bank. I was only paid $2.05 .... Wtf!@ Lol, so now there is a joke that "This $2.05/week shit aint worth it!!" My supervisor was emailed, she will prob take a look at that monday... or at least... she better >:( Even on my paystub it shows that... did they thin that I was really only getting $2.05 cents when im making $12.50/hr .... lol. It doesnt say i worked anything... so I dont know wtf is up with that >.>
Craig called me the other day and he is down fr the long weekend. His parents live right above us, so he doesnt have that far to come.... lol. O told him to stomp on the floor and here he was above us in the spare room, we're thinking its the same layout.
We went to the movies and saw "The House Bunny" I thought I was going to hate it, but I didnt. It was fun :)
Today me and Ian are going out to get some pics done :) But its rainning :( :( If it clears up, thre will be pics and I'll post them on facebook when he gets them uploaded himself xD
Today I was going to tim hortons, and I was attacked by a spider :( It was hanging off the window of my car and i was in drive through... the fucking thing fell on my arm and started crawling... AHH! >.< I near cried.. haha I hate spiiiddderrrss :(
Lately on the weekends Ive been editing some photos with GIMP. Its kinda fun, kinda time consuming and frustrating, but in the end it was worth it.... sometimes... lol. The one I did yesterday was here:
I like it :)
Almost home time!! Yay!!
Write more next weekend!! :)