Feb 10, 2007 22:02
This live journal entry will be dedicated to the inspiration of my dear friend Pegaz, whom has died due to a heart failure on 09.02.2007.
I have gotten the honor to have known Pegaz. He was one of the best friends you could ever have. He was sensitive, sweet, outgoing, funny, every quality you could have to be perfect. Now to some, he was just "a guy" but to those whom have got the chance to know him know he wasn't just a guy. Pegaz is and truly was a noble man and what I believe to be one of God's angels.
I don't believe in God, at all or the Devil...but to have someone as pure as Pegaz was, how could you not believe otherwise. Not one time I have ever seen pegaz down, or in a bad mood, say anything bad about another. He always looked at the brighter side and tried to help you with everything he could. He would not leave you alone in harms way. Even though I have only known John (Pegaz) online, the impact he had on myself and others whom played the game "Tibia" was phenominal.
With that in mind it gave me a new insight. John has never knew the way I felt about him. I loved talking to him, I loved him so much as a friend and still do. But I never got the chance to ever tell him.
That will not happen again. Starting with Tibia here is my list of people I wish to thank for giving the oppertinuty to meet, whether it is good or bad.
*Not in any particular order*
My Good Side:
Zedge, Rach, Timbo, Asereje, Cutey, Erik, Sir Scooby, Emporer, Gateni, Emil, Marko, Goblinsworder, Gopher, Haxors, Gambitter, Jaeger Hunter, Frayhen, SoR, Eloise, Poisony, SoFD, Zally, Baltazar, Quezecotl, Mista Mo, Zesar, Donar, BOL, Rishi, General Charlz, Sivelnov, Jetlynk, Boberts the knight, Sean the hunter, Arcy, Blizzard Guardian, Tigax, Mr. Mike Hunt, Aaron, Pegaz, Lori, Harmony, Abraxis, Funnyx, Aldris, Maffy, Kent, Weedo, Lovakeep, PaulCopey, Clay, Ricky, Dante, Harry and Danny, Warlord Doomshade, Death Draco, Edarion, Les, Tobbe, Jesper, trunkman, stuntman, taskman, jesse, Tahir, Sammeh, Brendan, T.J., Shootin, Michou, Loki, White Lightening, Kunimistu, Lohoki, Ali, Dafiro, Gav, Acropolis (josh), Daniel (Gloin), Megaman, Kai, Angellica, Jermey, Thad~, Jordan Savage, Robbie, Andrew (K.O.U), Frans, Anton, Sahara, Steph, Epic~, Moony, trillium, Tom, Tasuki Hiro (Alex), Silimure (sp?), milffre, kyjuan, Naipom, Aeneas, Little Aeneas, & more..
My Not So Good Side:
Risorva - even though we don't get along anymore, when we were friends I enjoyed every minute of it. You are very adorable and funny and you have that thing where you make me wanna be able to hang and party with ya, but sadly you cannot be trusted which lies where our problem has started to unfold. I do admit I miss you alot, but the damage was done and Im not sure if it could be repaired but we'll see... time heals all wounds.
Paul and Ponte - you two just drive me up the fucking wall. I don't even want to get started on you two, this would never end, and its going to be long as it is.
Nolamebrand/Nonamebrand - I don't remember what started all this shit between us, but I know it started early in my "career" as a tibian. We have been at each others throat for ever since i can remember, level 20 or 30 I was and you were 80 on Earfin. I was a tard back then and I am sorry for things Ive said. I heard from limited people that you were a nice person, very helpful, etc. It would be nice to get to know that side, but I dont think it will ever come to that. Sorry.
Balito - Ever since you attacked a member of my guild I have not liked you. you lied to my leader about you *not* being Victoria and you present posts on the forums about pking. Til then, I had no problem with you. Too bad though, in the passed I kinda looked up to you.
Terragen - you have treated me like shit ever since you met me. I dont know what your problem was or is with me, and why I kept putting up with you. I thought there was some good in you but you are impossible. You're a funny guy I admit, but very mouthy and sorry... I just couldnt put up with you anymore. Good Luck.
Rob, My family, Mike, danielle, sabrina, dave, lisa, colin, sarah, mark and his woman, my co-workers, dawn, bob, nat, lenny, jolene, shawn, lisa D, Ashley C, Sandi, Michelle and Stephen, Dave P, Shawn MAC, Craig, May, Kat, Paula, Adam, Andrew, nick, azzy, blanche, colleen, Ian, Mickey, Kirk, Kristen, Vest Kristen, Nicole, Dave Perron, and more.
There is alot more, im just so tired I can't think. The point to this, is to let each one know that in someway you've made an impact on my life, whether is made me see things differently, made me smile, made me angry, whatever...I have still gotten a chance to meet you. Whether we see eye to eye on things or not, I don't regret knowing you but what I do regret is that for the ones who are on my bad side... we cannot come up with a compromise that can solve our differnces. Alot of people aren't on my bad side... and it takes alot to get there...so i guess congrats.
For the ones on my good side, I love you in each an individual way, and thank you for giving me the honor.