Blue Martini

Jan 23, 2011 15:05

One day, I went into my classroom to find this on my desk:

My friends have made me my very own Pepperpot Man, and is now still currently sitting somewhere in my kitchen. They're always up to weird things, the other day, we got a picture message of a bunny family made out of masking tape! We also made our very own version of mugshots, so funny, hahaha.

Anyhow, I love my friends dearly, but we do have a few differences, like last night, ohmygod, last night, I was taken to a heavy metal rock club, I actually paid to get into a heavy metal rock club. Ohmygod there was so much hair swinging and corsets. No offense to HMR lovers, but even that was too much for me; I find dancing to that type of music really hard.

Moving on! I'm currently addicted to to gaming at a very bad time. I've just recently completed Ghost Trick, the game I wanted ever since last year or so, it's nice to just play a plain old mystery game sometimes, and now, I'm addicted to Persona 3 on the psp. P3P is surprisingly a lot easier than Persona 4 (which I haven't played since my ps2 died on me... sadness) but I could suddenly feel the strain of juggling school activities and saving the world at the same time!

How can a video game be harder than real life? I somehow managed to join the Tennis club (by choice), library committee (by suggestion), student council (forced) and the home economics club (accident!)... like what?? Is there that many days in the week to do all of this? Not to mention a love life (been trying to get with the popular guy in school, but apparently don't have enough charm to compete with the other girls...damn). And then most nights you go off to some freakishly tall building that appears to kick bad guys butt, then go back to the dorm, is tired for a few days so you can't study and fail exams! So much going on...

Yes, it's a real bad time to get addicted to games with so much work (in reality!) to deal with, but it's good to have a break sometimes...
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