Nov 30, 2006 16:00
Last night, I picked up my last giant package from Japan. Although I stopped hitting the auctions back in August, I didn't have my things sent to me until about a month ago. And so, Pixie's venture into the world of Japanese auctions finally comes to an end with the last package finally here. No pictures this time around cuz most of what I bought were just magazines anyway.
I've learned my lesson. Yahoo Japan auctions combined with deputy auction sites are bad for my bank account's health. T_T
I think I've tried pretty much every deputy auction site out there, excluding Rinkya for the obvious reason that they have a reputation for ripping the biggest whole in your wallet. I think it would be good to do a review of these sites. Then maybe other people won't waste their money on service fees like me and spend their money on the actual goods. Better yet, don't start on the auctions at all. Seriously. I got curious today and checked out the auctions and what did I see? Taiwan and Seoul concert goodies. It was so hard to not press that bid button. Haha.
And so...another saga begins as I begin the countdown to my big (temporary) move to Japan.
T minus 41 days and counting...