Apr 10, 2005 22:35
So these past few days have been real hard on me, and the next few days are going to be even harder for me. I've been really emotional lately when I think about my PaPa, and this wednesday is going to be one of the hardest. Wednesday would be his b-day! Then, in June it would have been his and my grandma's 50th anniversary. It's going to suck like old, sweaty, hairy, and wrinkly balls! *shivers from the horribleness!* So, my family is loosing it!
My GGMa fell again today! She was walking after everything that has happened, and she fell again. I feel so bad and worried about her now. She is so freaked and worried about trying to walk anymore. This is suck a set back for her and our whole family. I'm just worried about her.
My past few weekends though have been spent working. Last weekend I worked for 11 hours saturday night, and last night I worked for 14 hours. I'm so exhausted from this. I've been REAL sick lately also. So, my body aches all the time and hates me for not sleeping.
Who knows what to do anymore. I know that I can't handle anymore bad things or anymore heart breaking things. I just need what I need and if anyone tries to stop me, they won't be in my way anymore if it is up to me. I will kill whoever tries! But, that's just a warning and people better hear it!