Jan 03, 2005 21:21
My past couple of days have been good, but I am ready to go back to school. On Thursday, I had lunch with Summer and Gus at LEO's. It was nice seeing them, they are a couple of my oldest friends. For New Years Eve Lisa and I went to Shawn's house for a pimps and hoes party. That was fun, minus "world war 3". (Don't let 'em get to you Lisa). I left pretty early though, lil' Gary drove me home around 1:30ish. The next day I had to work at JCREW from 11-7. That was a rough shift but it's okay because I got paid time and a half, and my baaaaybeee, and his family came to see me! They waited for me to get off of work and we went out to dinner and Red Robin. Then I went back to Bry's house for the night. He drove me home kinda late, I felt bad since we live like "6 hours" away. (not literally). Sunday was a lazy day for sure, but I got suckered into working for 3 hours after I had already worked 6 out of the 7 days last week. (I really need to learn how to say NO).
I talked to Chelsea about our new room, I seriously cannot wait to get out of that quad with nasty Harmony. I have a feeling this is going to be an awesome semester. I ordered two posters for the room today, An O.C. one and an Inucubus one). I am actually currently waiting to win a bid for a Dashboard Confessional poster ... I hope I get it, I LOVE IT!
I went out to eat with Bethany and Shelly today, we saw Book, Chez and a few other people. Dan Hoss gave us free pizza ... that's always a plus. Everyone is going to Tople's house tonight, but I think I'm just gonna chill at home. Obviously I'm extremely bored for writing about my entire weekend.