LJ Strike

Mar 20, 2008 01:40

Honestly, I don't care that they got rid of basic accounts because people can still make free accounts with ads. What bothers me is how rude these people are.  They act like sneaky scumbags, then they get mad when people treat them like sneaky scumbags.  I just don't trust them and I have no respect for them at all.

Most of this trouble isn't because of the changes. The trouble is the complete lack of respect and trust the users have in this company.  Check out  http://darkrosetiger.livejournal.com/373663.html  to see just a touch of what i mean about rudness on their part.

If customers are jerks you just kinda have to deal with it because it's part of being in buisness. But if you're a jerk back you're just gonna lose buisness.


To find out exactly when the strike begins and ends in your area go here:

What’s the strike about?

·          It’s about free and ad-free LiveJournal accounts being abolished for new members, ignoring the advice from the newly-formed Advisory Board.
·          It’s about LJ staff trying to sneak that decision in under the radar; and when people found out, telling the users it was done ‘to make the signup process less confusing’.
·          It’s about LJ staff failing to apologize for trying to hide the facts from view and for lying about the actual reasons for their actions.
·          It’s about the latest decision to hide certain user interests from the list of Most Popular Intrests, some of them being: fanfiction, bisexuality, sex, and depression.  This decision was not announced or explained in any way. Users found out for themselves. More information here: http://stewardess.insanejournal.com/228245.html

You can go to the following links for more information:

An interview of Anton Nosik, director of the block division of SUP corporations with “AND” magazine:
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