(no subject)

Jan 22, 2012 15:20

So, I woke up this morning at nine thirty to my doorbell ringing every few seconds for about fifteen minutes. I went to answer it and it was my mom.

A little backstory here, I live across the street from a hospital and the couple of times that my dad has been there, my mom walks over and stays with me while he's having tests or whatever.

Anyway, my mom was at the door. I knew it wasn't about my dad because he's in New York for the next six days for work. She said that my grandma was in the emergency room. Here's a little more backstory for you, she was in a car accident this week and was hospitalized for three for pain management and then released. When they released her, they found a black spot on her lungs and assumed it was bruising from the seatbelt or the start of pneumonia. My mom took her home and at five thirty this morning, she woke up my mom by saying that she couldn't move and she thought she was having a heart attack. They called 911 and my grandma went to the hospital, they ran some tests and discovered that the dark spot was a blood clot.

So, she's in the ICU and I will not be around at all until we find out what's going on.
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