I'm a meme whore!

Dec 13, 2011 23:15

Snagged from pyrobear

Give me one of my characters (past/present/other) and one of yours and I will tell you the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, I will make up an uncanon child.)

A. Name
B. House/Zodiac (House if HP; Zodiac if not)
C. Circumstances of Conception
E. Three Random Facts


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Heidi/Julian baby_k21 December 27 2011, 05:23:31 UTC

A. Carys Louise Vaisey
B. Hufflepuff
C. Julian and Heidi had a tumultuous relationship from the start, which included blackmail, perjury and a general dislike and mistrust. Underneath all of that, though, there was a good deal of chemistry and sexual tension. It all culminated one evening when they met at some function or another. Heidi was there with a client and Julian was there on business; they started to argue, one thing led to another and before either one of them knew it, they were shagging on the balcony. Afterwards they both straightened their clothes and walked away without giving it a second thought. Well, for about two months anyway.

It was well known that Julian already had two children from another woman and Heidi didn't want her child raised in that kind of environment. She actually believed that she was acting for her baby's best interest when she decided not to tell him about it. So Carys was raised, for better or worse, without a father in her life, but she did have her grandfather and that was enough of a male influence for her. For a while.
D. Ophelia Lovibond

* Carys had a fairly normal childhood, until she was about fourteen, anyway. And then she got curious about her family history and did a little investigating, which was a bad idea on her part. She found out that her mum was a sex worker and that her father was a criminal kingpin with two other children of his own. Being a teenager was hard enough, then you throw that little gem in there. She rebelled in a big way. For the rest of the summer Heidi had to deal with a surly teenager who flaunted her budding sexuality and messed around with alcohol and drugs. It was just about all she could do to deal with the situation.

* Due to the aforementioned flaunting and messing around, Carys got pregnant when she was fifteen. After a great deal of screaming and crying, everyone agreed that it would be best to get it taken care of quietly. Unfortunately, when they went to the clinic, Carys had a mini-meltdown and refused to go through with it and months later she gave birth to a son who was adopted an hour after he was born. She hasn't seen her baby since, but she thinks about him all the time, especially around his birthday. Carys never saw the baby's father again, either.

* Carys is mostly estranged from her mother these days. She rings Heidi on the major holidays - Christmas, Mother's Day, etc - and birthdays, but aside from that, they don't really speak. Heidi gives her the space she needs, figuring that she'll come around again when she's ready to. Carys does still speak with her grandfather and Heidi gets her updates through him. Carys has never met Julian face to face. She's much too intimidated by his reputation for that.


Re: Heidi/Julian baby_k21 December 27 2011, 05:31:26 UTC
Pretend her last name is Macavoy, I forgot to change it.


Re: Heidi/Julian leigh_adams December 27 2011, 05:46:52 UTC
Well, obviously Julian is pissed as hell that Heidi didn't tell him about the baby. Even if she didn't want him to be involved (which he would have wanted; he has a thing about family), he could have at the very least helped out financially.

He thinks Carys is beautiful, just like her mother (no matter what happened between them, he's always thought Heidi was beautiful). He's disappointed that she didn't reach out to him once she found out about him (or that Heidi didn't clue him in anytime over the past fifteen or so years about his other daughter). And he's saddened by what befell her (with the baby and her falling out with Heidi).

He also thinks that a sibling -- or two, in this case -- might be good for her. Carys probably would have gotten along well with Cassie; Carter's quiet, but he would have accepted her and been friendly.

Broke my heart, you did. Wench. *smoosh*


Re: Heidi/Julian baby_k21 December 27 2011, 05:52:15 UTC
Heidi is sorry, but she did think it was for the best at the time. And she still thinks it's a good idea, in a way. Her baby girl would have been very different if she had been raised in his world and there's no denying it.

She's pleased that he thinks that And come on, he was pretty damn intimidating to a fourteen year old. She didn't know what he would say and she was pretty sure that he would call her a liar and kick her out. Besides, she was too busy being a rebel to try and contact him (even if it would have been the perfect tool for rebellion.)

Not going to lie, Carys may have wanted to check out the half-siblings while they were at school, but would have been too scared to try. She probably saw them from afar.



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