
Dec 06, 2011 23:53


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baby_k21 December 10 2011, 07:54:11 UTC
1) Love Song (whether unrequited or relationship wise)
Beautifully - Jay Brannan

2) Sex Song
Spirals - Jamie Woon

3) Angry Song
When Anger Shows - The National

4) Sad Song
It Doesn't Matter - Alison Krauss

5) Theme Song
That's Life - Bif Naked

01. Full name?
Lavender Estelle Brown

02. Best friend?
Easy peasy! There are three, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil and Seamus Finnigan

03. Sexuality?

04. Favorite colour?
The rainbow!

05. Relationship status?
(Regrettably) single

06. Ideal mate?
At this point, someone who wants kids.

07. Turn-ons?
She likes scritchy facial hair, callouses, dimples and deep voices.

08. Last sexual experience?
Her last birthday, so almost a year ago.

09. Favorite food?

10. Crushes?

11. Favorite music?
Lav's into the new age stuff. Surprise, surprise.

12. Biggest fear?
That she'll never get married and have kids; that her art career won't take off; that she'll have to move back in with her parents!

13. Biggest fantasy?
At the moment, Lav has got babies on the brain. Srsly, she wants one.

15. Bad habits?
She doesn't pay her bills on time, she forgets to put the milk away after she's had a drink (from the carton), she gets paint all over everything.

16. Biggest regret?
Too many to name.

19. Worst sexual experience?
Ron Weasley, sixth year. It was her first time, he didn't really try to be gentle. Yeah, it was not great.


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