
Feb 27, 2011 20:07

Meme snagged from mugglechump

Favorite song right now?:
I've become totally obsessed with '(Don't Fear) The Reaper' by Blue Oyster Cult. I also love 'Love In A Trashcan' by The Raveonettes and 'Rev 22:20' by Puscifer. I love music way too much to narrow it down any further, but those are my three most played on iTunes.

Last album you bought / downloaded?:
'Rockferry' by Duffy.

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?:
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest (and yes, I did have to check my netflix history >.>) It was good. I enjoyed it.

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment?:
My allergies, the vapid and vacuous women on this show, the knot in my arm from where I got a shot.

If you had to spend time in prison for any crime, what would it be?:
Assault and battery.

What's really scary?:

Name two items nearest to you:
A box of tissues and a mug of hot chocolate.

Top five words / phrases you use often?
Crazypants / Crazycake
Shut the front door!
I'll cut a bitch / Bitch, I'll cut your face.
I know, right?
I didn't say that, but I was thinking it pretty hard.

Two things you're excited for this year?:
Spring and Dragon Age 2 (I is a sooper nerd)

Your favorite ice cream flavor?:
Haagen Daas dulce de leche.

Guiltiest pleasure?:
Reality dating shows. (Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, etc)

What are doing right now?:
Watching 'Say Yes To The Dress'.

What is your biggest pet peeve?:
When people mess around with my system. I have things organized the way I want them, bitches. Don't touch!

Worst movie you've ever seen?:
Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid. I HATED that movie.

Best way to relax?:
During the summer - laying out by the pool in the sun. During the winter - I can't ever relax. It's too cold.

Favorite quote / lyric?
"But inevitably, the further you run from your sins, the more exhausted you are when they catch up to you. And they do. Certain. It will not fail."

Who's your celebrity crush?:
Robert Downey Jr. He is just awesome. Patron saint of cool. Lee Pace, Paul Blackthorne, Andrew Lee Potts. Tons more, but my mind just went blank.


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