Keeley!Fic - Floating (2/2) - Eloise Midgen

May 03, 2009 02:02

Title: Floating
Rating: G
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: None.
Summary: Eloise drifted.
Notes: elle_blessing requested Eloise/anyone.

Eloise swam in and out of consciousness, and pain was waiting each time she surfaced. Weakness would drag her under again, but not before she heard whispers and murmurs. Not before she heard herself answering questions that seemed to be fired at her every time she came back to the world.

Why wouldn't they let her sleep?

Then someone would pour another potion down her throat and she'd float away again.

Sometimes when she floated she went back to the kitchen floor, and relived every blow, every bite and scratch, every moment of what she'd believed were the last moments of her life.

Sometimes she simply floated, like a bright red balloon, drifting through space.

There were the voices again, with no respect for anyone's feelings as it broke into her solitude, suddenly clear and demanding. She wanted to ask them what was happening, what they were all doing in her own private world. She struggled for words and formed a moan. A cool hand rested on her forehead, stroking gently.

"Is she in pain?" Was that Daddy's voice? Eloise thought. Trembling? "Damn it, give her something for the pain!"

The darkness started to whirl around her, jumbling the sounds. Eloise let it take her.

"Miss Midgen? Eloise? Can you hear me?"

Her eyes opened, she stared, struggling for the power to speak. "Am I dead?"

"No. No, you're not dead." The stranger poured something cool down her throat. Her eyes started to droop again as she tried to patch together her memory. It was too hard, and she let it go.

"Good." Comforted, she let her eyes close. She had more questions, but she knew they would have to wait.

keeley!fic, drabble, elle, eloise

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