Jul 24, 2004 16:53
Yes, well, I was just thinking about my past relationships and I REALLY suck at them. I mean.. a freakin day..? I dunno what i was even thinking when i started going out a guy that i didnt like very much.someone should have slapped me! ( Thats where u come in laura, my expert on the topic titled romance..lol) But I mean I have only ever had one relationship where I really really liked the guy and he broke up with me. It took me like 3 yrs to get over this guy and the last couple of days his name would come up when me and mon talked about "fingers..lol" which kinda got me thinking. I mean, i have never really needed a boyfriend and always thought they were to much work,and they are, no offense boys, but now i am starting to think thats its worth it. My freinds all the time joke around saying that Ill never get into a serious relationship and i know there just kidding but still i wonder if there might be some truth to that. I mean I have had some really big crushes over the past years like Nick..( bobby and nick will come into starbucks to where we are and..... lol Monika!!!) and omg everybody knows about my little crush last year..lol..but other than that I still keep going back to the one guy that always played mind games with me and i always believed everything he said .And I hadnt talked to him in like 6 months until last night for some stupid reason I emailed him and we ended up talking on the phone 4 like 20 mins and said he might come to AZ to visit his g-ma and then come see me, but i dunno if hes just lying or telling the truth and of course, Im now back at square one.. where i started in 6th grade. With the same guy, same feelings.So mon and laura.. if he does come out to az (hopeful yet doubtful) then you might meet the one and only B.P.