Mar 15, 2005 14:36
omg!!!yesterday night my mom wonted my bro to wash some towles and sheets well he did but he did it slowly and was on the comp while they where washing and dring well the kids needed to take a bath so shes asked if the towles were done he goes no there dring..there still wet my mom and tracey got so mad there lik "dustin if u werent so adicted to that aim and the comp and were paying more attention to the clothes they would have been done by now! then they got every one in to the convosation and i was siting on the couch 4 lik an hr. listing to them yell and complan..then she started talking to me she was heather do u think ur adicted to the aim?i was lik theres nothing better to do in this either not here or on and then my brother got relli mad cas my mom and tracey grounded him for the comp. and aim 4 a week and then i was rolling my eyes and i was like this is stupid so then they grounded my 4 aim 4 a day lol its not gonna kill me come on if i wonted i wouldnt even go one aim relli the only reason i do is cas i talk to kk and brian the most thats cas when kk isnt here i cant call her cas its long distance and brian...i just relli dont like talking to him on the phone....well anywazzz HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAIN!!!!!!! i love ya soOoO much k and haha i didnt kno wt to get ya for ur b day so im just gonna give ya $40 lol i still have to give u like i think 10 for something 10 for the gay liger and 20 bucks that u didnt do anything at that party...well im still not sur bout that but hay im trusting u..u betta not be lieing to me!but over all i have to give u $80 lol haha..well i dont kno what im gone do today cas i cant go on i just may go hang at the club house for a while....lmao yesterday i also found out my sisy got her nose piersed lol i hope it looks good well i think it'll look good on her lol she said he did it by her self..ouch!!well i hope i get to go to the doctors soon cas i seriously have problems!lol on the left side of my head only i have been geting relli relli bad head aces and they hurt soo bad i can barly walk so i have to lay down till it goes away anfd they come bac ever lik 20 min. well i asked my mom yesterday if she lik droped me on my head or something when i was a child well im relli hyper but my wrist hurt relli bad (brian! u may my cuts open bac up!)well all i got to say to yall is PARENTS R GAY! they say there tring to teach u a leason when there just relli tring to ruin ur life! out i luv u brian and happy b day..hope u get ever thing u wonted.XoXo~heather~