OMG!!! Next time its gonna have to be sugar free!

Mar 03, 2005 21:17

Omf. I'm gone crazy!!!!

For 5 whole days, I haven't drank pop at all. I went over 2 years with only diet, but now, NONE! I'm going nuts... I just drank a huge glass of green koolaid STRAIGHT. My eyes are watering. I feel so strong? HAHAHAHA! And I can feel the sugar and taste it! So for sure, I'm going to have to get sugarfree. Frigg, I'm right weird feeling... It tastes so good tho. But I'm really craving the taste of pop!

Well today, was alright. I was tired all day. I got called into work this morning, which wasn't so bad because I lost hours last night! So school went slow. Chris gave me his pizza. Mmm! LOL! Suppositly he tells me there was Xlax in it, but it didn't hit me yet!! LoL!

Classes were all alright. Last class on my free I was giving out my suverys then someone broke the fire extingisher? WTF I can't spell. LoL! So we were rushed out of the cafe'. Then the free went slow.

Today at lunch Mike showed me how we were going to dance. I nearly died! LOL!

So after school I got home and had a really rough time. Frigg. Then I went to work. I was so cranky. Blah, my head just went sore, and I was so weak! (But the Koolaid helped me out there) And plus now I'm going pyhsco, I'm so nervous that something else is going to happy. Gun holdup or something. Tiffany says a bomb call. LOL!

Frigg, It's just freaky now... And upstairs, really creeped me out, so I peed FAST then went down and talked to Corey on my break! =)

Now I'm here. I ate popcorn and we all know about my Koolaid experience.

Well that was my daily intake!
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