(no subject)

Jan 02, 2005 15:46

What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before? Fell in love.
Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Never make any.
Did anyone close to you give birth? I dont think.
Did anyone close to you die? My grandparents cat, Garfield =(
What countries did you visit? None? LoL!
What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? Save money.
What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Feburary 25th 2004, finally, I realized I had to be with Matt, no more hiding it.
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting my drivers licences                           What was your biggest failure? Exams, I slacked big time, and the only one I didnt study for, I passed? I dont understand.
Did you suffer illness or injury? Pneumonia, Eythema Nodosum, getting my wisdom tooth pulled, and a close call to something else. Thats all I can think of. Oh yea, I had an ulser on my tounsils.
What was the best thing you bought? No Idea.
Was this one of your better years? Yes and no. Somethings answer yes and others answer to no. But it has been great excluding some rough times, but I got through them =)
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Oh there is a couple, not mentioning.
Where did most of your money go? Cell phone, insurance and my weekends with Matt and especially Christmas.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? My weekends =)
What song will always remind you of 2004? Any rap. Or Country boy!
Compared to this time last year, are you:
(1)happier or sadder? Happier
(2) thinner or fatter? Fatter!
(3)richer or poorer? Richer
What do you wish you'd done more of? No idea.
What do you wish you'd done less of? Time crying.
How did you spend Christmas? With Matt, my family and Matts mom and sister.
Did you fall in love in 2004? I sure did! First and only time.
How many one-night stands? None.
What was your favorite TV program? I dont watch much TV. But cop shows, mystery shows, and Trailor Park boys would be my choices.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Yes. I can think of a couple. One is very obvious tho... Cough Cough. A.W. 
What was the best book you read? Never finished one.
What was your greatest musical discovery? I LOVE RAP! LOL! Omf.
What did you want and get? Promise ring from Matt. Thats the most important, but there is lots of other things.
What was your favorite film of this year? Saw.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Matt took me out for supper and a Movie =)
What one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Not sure.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004? Casual.
What kept you sane? Matt, friends (One that knows who they are.) And my sister did couple times.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? None?
What political issue stirred you the most? None.
Who did you miss? MATTTT!
Who was the best new person(s) you met? Hmm, I didn't really "Meet" anyone.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: Theres a few, but personal.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: There is none. It's undescribable.
Best of the Year
Party: New years eve! Mwhahahahaha. "I'm feeling it"
Show: Trailor Park boys. Christmas addition.
CD: Burnt ones.                                                                                                                   Movie: Saw
Song: I dont knowwwwww. Jezz..
Experience: Omg, theres so many, its crazy. Sooo f'ing many =)
Concert: Absolute.
Book: Dont read.
Month: Feburary                                                                                                                    Day: March 28th.                                                                                                                      Worst of the Year
Party: I dont think I went to any
Show: Hmmm. I dont know.
CD: Nope. Can't think.
Movie: Saved
Song: Dunno
Experience: I don't know, and I dont want to remember, so I'm not thinking about it.
Concert: None
Book: SCHOOL BOOKS, argh
Month: January
Day: Theres enough.
Hopes for 2005
Predict something that you think will happen in 2005: I'm not sure.
What do you hope changes about your country? Nothings bothering me now.
What do you hope for yourself? Happiness
What do you hope for your family? Happiness
What do you hope for your best friends? Happiness
What do you hope for the rest of your friends? Happiness again.
Do you think any amazing medical advances will be made? Probably
What is your hope for 2005? Lots of success and happiness.
A is for - Age: 17
B is for - Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Matty! *Heart*
C is for - Career in future: Hair dresser or secretary.
D is for - Dad's name: Rodney
E is for - Essential item to bring to a party: Alcohol
F is for - Favorite song at the moment: Theres a few.
G is for - Guys or Girls: Guys
H is for - Hometown: Mahone bay
I is for - Instrument: I dont play ANY!
J is for - Job title: Cashier at the moment
K is for - Kids: Theres a high possiblity in the future
L is for - Living arrangement: With my parents about 4 at the most days of the week. The rest with Matt.
M is for - Mom's name: Kathy
N is for - Number of people you've slept with: Now what kinda of "Slept with" are we talking. I'll say 1 if I'm thinking right.
O is for - Overnight hospital stays: Never "over" night. LoL!
P is for - Phobia[s]: Tight closed areas.
Q is for - Quixotic: haha I like what Ashley said "everyone has their moments;)" I read the word wrong and I was thinking "WTF" then I was like Ohh.. Yea thats my story. LoL!
R is for - Relationships: In my longest most serious one right now!
T is for - Time you wake up: Usually 7:13 on weekdays, and anywhere from 9 to 11 on weekends or days off.
U is for - Unique trait(s): Well, I think I was told I had a very good one last night. LOL!
V is for - Vegetable you love: Corn
W is for - Worst habit: Biting my nails and jumping to conclusions
X is for - X-rays: Had them once. I was suppose to go recently for chest ones but I didn't.
Y is for - Yummy food you make: Tacossss
Z is for - Zodiac sign: Gemini
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