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Jan 10, 2006 16:37

Man does it ever feel wierd to be back at school again, its so nice to see everyone again, but the work sux like hell. i cant even remember half the things we did but w/e. Anywayz i had a good break , hopefully everyone else did too. i got to go to the city for like four days, and during that time i went shopping and bought like six tank tops , all just different colors. i also got to see lindz and tasha, thank god, i've missed them so much, it was awesome to see them. so ya i went to her house and later the three of us went tobogganing, it was all right ,and went back to her house with Jordon and John then when they finally left we just stayed up and talked til 2, o'course i was the first one to fall asleep (like usual)!lol then the next day i was suppose to go back to rorketon but i got stuck in elie with my dad, but it was ok , we watched Bad News Bears with Billy Bob Thornton, which i recommend, its hilarious plus my dad bought a Samsung home theatre, so the volume was niiiccceee... On Saturday i got to go to the rink, and quite a few ppl were there, so it was nice, i got my new skates too and man do i sux, its so hard compared to figure skates, i was like a lil kid, talk bout embarassing, but w/e ill practice during the day just with wade and jessica. but otherwise things are ok. Trying to cope with damn homework all the time and i have to start my 4-H speech cuz its on valentines day, and has to be 5-7 min long , so i should start i guess. but nothing else, update again sometime, gotta get ready for lil cousins christmas concert where they are singing a song together on stage in ukrainian, gonna be cute i tell ya! bye
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