Nov 02, 2004 22:58
We started reading Fahrenheit 451 today. At least, everyone else did, I had rehearsal and then I had to find out what was going on in the election... Oh well. If Bush wins, I think I'd rather live in F 451 world than ours... I'm now seriously considering college in Canada. Fuck. Not about Canada--Canada's cool. I just can't believe that America actually elected someone who will do so much to fuck over this country. WTF...
Abortion--I can respect that you are against it due to religious beliefs. That's fine. However, banning it won't stop it from happening. During the time of the Vietnam War, more people died due to abortions that went wrong than in the war itself. Why? They got abortions from people who weren't qualified. Pro-choice is more pro-life than anti-choice is.
Gay Rights--For marriage, I strongly believe that it should be legal, but if you think marriage is man/woman fine. Kerry's against them anyway. Civil Unions. What's wrong with these...? Is it really that bad to allow gay people the same rights as straights?
Health Care--5 million people have lost it during the last 4 years. I believe the total figure is about 45 million w/o it. What has Bush done? Nothing. That's his "Common Sense Healthcare." Nothing. Kerry's health care plan is not government run health-care--it's government sponsored health care. Yes, the government will pay for health care in some cases. People who can't afford it. Having health care is good. If the government has to pay for a few people to have it, why is that so bad? How do we pay for it? Roll back the upper-class tax cuts.
Economy--Lost jobs. Lost average income. Lost everything. It's picking up now, though!!! Not fast enough. Average family income is still increasing more slowly than inflation. So, yes, I now make more money, but I can still afford less. The stock market is up!!! Stock market represents the people who have stocks. Poor people don't have stocks. Stock market reflects the upper class. Bush has only helped hte upper class, but yes, he has been quite effective at that.
Foreign policy
Let's start at the beginning. Clinton. After the '93 WTC bombing, Clinton did an absurd number of anti-terrorism things. When Bush came into office, Clinton's administration tried to help Bush with fighting terrorism. Bush did nothing. Later in his term (closer to 9/11), every single intelligence agency warned him: Al Qaeda planning to attack America. What did he do? Vacation. ALL OF AUGUST. In summary, Bush did nothing to prevent 9/11.
Bush took us to Iraq, without allies, with lies. He began the UN process. Good work. Then what happened??? He stopped! WHY?! He told us that Iraq had attacked us, and that they had WMD's. On Iraq attacked us, umm, no. This is simply false. Unless you watch Fox. Then it's true. That's another story. The 9/11 Commission says it's false, there's no evidence in support of the claim, he was just lying. On WMD's, I hear, "The whole world thought so," a lot. Why did the UN do an inspection? If everyone was so sure, why didn't they back us. The UN said that if they found WMD's they'd help us. Then we abandoned them. We went in alone. Every single American and Iraqi death in the War in Iraq is on his shoulders. He fucked us over.
Bush hasn't helped this country in any way, shape, or form. I pray for those 4 SCJ's. If they leave, the entire country is fucked. For years. MANY MANY MANY years. America is going to turn into hell. University of Toronto, welcome to my college list.