I looked and found...

Aug 26, 2012 23:23

This journal...

I really didn't have anyone else to tell this too. Or to complain too. That might have leveled the top ten loniest feelings in my life. Seriously. At least physically lonely.I even texted my long-term ex-girlfriend (thankfully to no avail!) But here is what happened.

>Maryanne invited me out to the bar with her this evening to have a few drinks. Long0term, childhood friend. Strictly platonic (Seriously!). Harrison pub. With Andee and an assortment of other guest. This evening, the chosen soon-to-be boyfriend would be attending as well. Though it was not to my knowledge beforehand. Now, any grownup with a little common sense knows that basically the line for close-close, woman-man relationships, cease to exist around the pinaccle of maturation into adulthood. Meaning that it basically doesn't happen anymore. There are a few rare occasions though.
Mainly this is because it consists of TWO important male figures, on some level looking to entertain the same females attention. It is by nature divisive. It causes anxious, defensive behavior from the female, and either competitive or recluse behavior from the male parties. This was definitely the case this evening.
>Sinclair, the chosen boyfriends wanted acceptance; having already been aware, and informed of my importance in Maryanne's life.
>Maryanne wanted acceptance from me and therefore, under the influence of alcohol, urged me rather rambunctiously, to accept Sinclair. It ended up in obnoxious renditions of childhood stories, and marbled-jarbled behavior that could have been mistaken for a spoiled child.
>Being of aware of the ensueing situation, I was immediate alarmed. I downed my drink very quickly hoping to take the edge off and that didn't really help. In style, Sinclair bought me a drink as to entertain our friendship. I downed that as well.
Here's what I figured, the party of people wanted to relocate to downtown East Lansing. I could either spend the rest of the night casually adverting any conversation that might have a hint of a suggested hierarchial nature between me and Sinclaur. OR I could leave. So I left. Said I was following and instead went home. Told Maryanne, who was drunk, that I was at another bar talking to some other women and that I would come find them soon. But really here I am!
And in short restrospect, I think I made the right move. I definitely approve of whatever and whoever for Maryanne if it makes her happy. But it would have been awkward all night just by nature. Probably means I have to bring my own female company next time.

A short and crazy night.
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