Jan 30, 2006 15:19
Rune Musings
Today I will spend outside. The rain falls down and cleanses my skin. I think I may lay in the leaves. I need to do something with this great mass of hair upon my head. Slow thrum of music is moving it's way through my body. I can feel the languid notes filter through my mind. Around the left into the right. Round and round it goes. Moving till it's gone. Swaying body move. Round and round. Do a twirl. Ribbons dance. Up there in the air. Bubbles glow and the lazy sun peeks through cloudy skies. Gnomes march. Right after the other in there pointed hats. Blue, orange, green, red, right. Or wrong. Questions come free falling through the atmosphere. Droplets pitt-er patter on roof tops. Leaves act as actors do. Lunge forward. Jump back. To be or not to be. They ask before the take the final plunge. Flutter upwards down through twisted limbs. Only to hit the grass forest. And be carried off as tiny offerings to a too large god. To finally the ending as the beginning that starts again with out warning.