Rest In Peace Justin Weber

Dec 07, 2004 08:53

Its so strange how everyday Emilly and I would write letters to each other at school. In her letters it was always about Justin and how Justin truley loved her with his every soul. I cant get over the last time i saw Justin at Seans house he told me tell emilly i love her, and i said i would and i told Emilly. Their realtionship was one cared more for the other and love killed them. Its weried how love can change the person you are and give up everything you ever owned just to be with the one you love. Justin you were such a good friend to that group. All i wanted to know was why you had to do it this way, why couldnt you have done it a different way. Its like Romeo and Juilet, they died because of love. You did this Jusitn because you wanted too and you thought about it over and over again. You couldnt stand the chance that the one you loved was with someone else. I tottaly understand were you are coming from because i know i couldnt stand the chance if i loved someone and they were with someone else. I want you to happy Justin up there. You will be missed like no other but i guess it was your time to go, so just in rest in peace for all of us.

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