Taken from "The Frisky":
"20 Things Your Boyfriend Should Forgive You For" 20 Things Your Boyfriend Should Forgive You For
- Inviting him over to, hint hint, hang out and then forcing him to sit through two hours of “Bachelor Pad.”
- Being 15 minutes late to a movie because you had a sudden need to change outfits.
- Calling him a selfish prick on one particularly PMS-y day.
- Passing on attending his 15-year high school reunion because you’d rather not relive his teenage years with him.
- Saying “I’m fine” when you’re really not fine and are just being passive-aggressive.
- Borrowing his clothes without asking because menswear is in!
- Clogging up his shower drain with your long hair.
- Painting your nails in his presence and suffocating him with the fumes.
- Needing to stay up late finishing the last Stieg Larsson book when he just wants to go to bed.
- Throwing away his nastiest pair of shoes that he loves for no reason.
- Calling him by your ex’s name. So long as it’s not during sex.
- Using up all of his shaving cream to shave your straggly pube hairs.
- Replacing his perfectly good bar soap with jasmine-scented “body wash.”
- Googling his ex-girlfriend to see what she looks like. And then maybe hunting down her Facebook too.
- “Accidentally” deleting some old-school World Series game he recorded on the Yankees Classic network so you could have room on the DVR for new episodes of “General Hospital” now that Brenda Barrett is back!
- Innocently sitting down at his computer and scanning the subject lines of the messages sitting in his Gmail inbox. It’s not like you hacked into his email or anything. It was there.
- Making him watch that awesomely gay Miley Cyrus lipdub “Party in the USA Fire Island,” like, 20 times.
- Complaining about your friend’s annoying behavior but then getting testy with him when he dares criticize her too.
- Replacing his white flour pasta with whole wheat.
- Cheating on him with Ryan Gosling.
I commit almost everything on the list except 4, 11, 13, 17 and 19.
The best act of forgiveness from Josh? Last year's Thanksgiving weekend.
His bff invited him to stay over for a few days; bff's wife is friends with Josh's ex-gf so she was also invited. We had already slept over for 1 night, and I didn't wanna stay over for a 2nd night cos I had something on the next morning.
Not that I didn't get along with Josh's ex-gf, but don't expect me to be chummy with her. He was initially adamant about staying the 2nd night (frecking stubborn Virgo), but of course, he gave in & we drove home.
That is why I love him. :)