May 12, 2005 23:06
OKAY LOOK im Getting tIRed Of updAtiNq so iMa uPdAte in LEss dEAtAil !!
Tuesday <3 -
Woke up took a shower slept in and then got up and ready then went back to sleep then got up and did my hair and went to school around 8:30 ish and went to all my hours and yeah than came home and then went to DUNIA*S house at like 5:00 then went walking with her around her nieghborhood lmao we thought we heard the ice cream man so we ran abck to get house to get money but like wtf it wasnt tehre nay more lmao... then we went to Old navy & BrOdys fOr our stUpID coStUmes tHEn went bacK to her hoUSe helPEd hEr pAck foR cAlI A lIl bIt then My Mom cAme and pIcked mE uP arOund 8:00 ish and Then i wENt hOme chIlLed wiTH my fAmILy thEn weNt to bEd...
Wednesday <3 -
Woke up took a shower then went to all my hours again tehn came home and chilled for like 2 hrs then amanda cmae home and we went to brodys for my costume and got my pants and shirt done then went to my gramas house for like 2 hours then left hrere and went to my cussins house becuase she had an operation done of her face and then i stayd there for like almost 2 hours and then came home adn chilled around the house and went to sleep early at like 10:00 then yeahh slept//
Thursday / Today <3 -
Woke up got ready went to first hour and i did this poem omg it was soo good wowww lmao anthony thought i copyed some 1 but i didnt i swear to gosh i didnt even my sisters thought i coppied off some one too lmaoo .. second hour - did my math thingy and got 100% on my QUIZ in math wow am i smart in taht class .. very Lunch was Lunch lmao - Third hour - had an ugly freakin subsatute that made me go around the whole freakin school because shes gay like that and we were talking in teh video the whole time wowzersz!!.. fourth Hour - had some chink lady for our sub lmaoooooo you coudlt understand one word she was saying lmaoooo and thtennn we were telling jokes in class wow was it funy nd i saww my baby JESSICA =]..whoa do i love her .. then SEventh Hour - Practiced Record Mimes and Finished everything yesh!!...Eigth Hour - Did my Comic i only need 1 MORE bOX or 2 iDk i fORgOT !! ThEn i cMaEH ome and i chiLled home alL day Did my hw and weNt oN lineE and now im wAtching mEet the bArkErs =]
lEAve soMe cOmMentS
<33 tAnYA