What's *Your* Sex Sign? Wow..lol..Blake, I would like to know how you found this. lol. They even give you free porn when ur done..how nice. lmao
Anyways..Kristen, I know you'll be taking that quiz soon ;). Umm..and I wanna go skating Friday, but if Anthony's there..don't let me kick his ass. =D Thanks hun, I love ya. Oh ya..we were watching PowerPuff Girls today and I thought of you. You are SO much like Bubbles it's not even funny. But yea..I'll talk to you again later, just don't call me here anymore..I'll call you I have a calling card. Also, have you called Alan yet? I tried to yesterday and no one answered =/..but ok..Skating, Friday..or like, the mall or something..I need to have a little visit with Hot Topic.
Going to the stock car races tonight..wow. =/ lol Oh well..something to do.
Lizzie Maguire is on soon..I LOVE that show..I think I'm hooked soo..yea. lol
I have another journal for those of you that care. But not a lot of people will be able to see it. It's going to be friends only and mostly for the people from Arkansas. I'm not sure how many of you still read this..but yea..contact meee! Also, I'm going to plan something so I can see all of my friends before I leave..I'm not sure yet what it'll be but yea..I gotta see you guys soon!!!
It seems like everytime I get online..no one else is. I miss ya Blake.