Pictures: Sis' promo & last day of school

Jun 17, 2006 23:58

sister's graduation.

we ended up having around 30people go to her graduation.
when they called her name, we all jumped up (some on chairs) screaming. it was pretty fun :).
then went to dinner at some chinese restaraunt.
aw my sisters all grown up now. and shes getting really pretty. she used to look like a man.
no more manly woman :(

the 4 of us! jessica carie (okay shes like 5'8" its crazy) chelle and me
chelle and i are wearing heels, and carie isnt.

me and one of the best friendsss since forever.

me and the other best friend carie

me and another best friend chelleee

me and one of the best friends at school joleee

me and my mommy! everyone says i look like her. i donno if its true.

me with kelsey and noreen

nathan and his plane


garrick and nathan

lets see if i can remember all my sis' friends names.. (i hafta post these up for her)

grace sis katee

sis and vicky

JESSICA and my sis. i love jessica

anthony sis brandon

sis and michelle

stephhur michelle sis sharlene tiffyen cassandra OMG IM GOOD

sis and connie. connies a cutie.

shoot i forgot her name :x

cathy sis tiffhuang sophia connie

meena and my sis. shes cute.

ashlyn and my sis. i still remember her from elementry. shes gonna be a senior hottie.

nathan sis kendrick

thats all i have. jessica has the rest.

me jolee jopan!

school was okay. not baddd. then went to linds' house for lunch and tv and games and whatnot. then went to greatmall to eat, and didnt watch a movie cos of the times. then my house for movie.

this was before the lsat day of school. but matt took my camera and took like. 5million pics of himself and daniel and chris.

me and travis


carl. i dont know what hes doing.



with sunglasses

without. this bitch always stands behind me when we take pics and it makes my head look huge. i hate you.

laverboy cut off.


nikita touching himself


they played peanut butter.. I TAUGHT THEM. and i was watching giants game :p

AND thats all the pics i have cos i didnt bring my own camera. either other peopel took it, or theyre on jason's camera and yea that should be it. thats all that was on jason's at least.

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