Sep 09, 2006 10:41
i just realized how awesome our day really was yesterday. i went to the city and met matt at central park, and we then traveled to unionsquare barnes and nobles. we passed some weird photoshopped art and some cute little fuzzy flowers. then we found ryan in union square reading notes like a good student boy. we hung out with ryan and joe in their dorm and other little kids and that w as nice watching jeopardy and eating that weird/shitty food but good hot cheddar fries yum. then starbucks thing, which was eh. i liked the art, the walls made me feel like i was going to vomit and tip over. the guy who played (buck 65) wasn't as good live as i thought it was going ot be. the coffee wasn't free for matt, but that's okay i didn't mind at all. i'll seriously buy matt anything if i have sufficient funds because i don't care. i need money to like save so i can run away but i always give into being like so generous sometimes. anyways, after starbucks gayshit and after not having sex in the bathroom like we planned to screwover the coporation, we left and i just wanted ot wander around. we went right across the street into an open art gallery/some kids' house. basically the art was sweet and it included a giant foam vagina with a large pillow dick and balls. matt went inside of it and put on a helmet and played with a golfclub. i wanted a picture but i couldn't get one because it cost 20 dollars due to the artist's fear of me stealing the idea and it having a significant meaning in history. matt touched a cup of paint which he thought was tea, but it was opaque and pink paint so he wiped it on the couch. then we thanked them and left. we walked down the street and sat down for a little while becaue my stomach felt shitty and annoying. it was weird. then we passed some VIP prada party with many people- maybe thye were famous. ha. boring. so we took the subway to 14th and got off &got some beer which of course i ddn't drnk because i thought it was going to drive home. oh the irony. we walked to jackie's apartment on 7th between first and A which was really cute. lots of lovely stairs. brendan, zoe, joe, phil, jackie, nick, all these kids i remmeber from last semester. they were nice kids, i just sat around talking to girls here and there and matt was being a fool haha. like with crazy 8 party hats on his head. then i had to walk back to the subway at 12 so i could get home. it took me til two to get home. the train ride home was absolutely ridiculous. some "cute" guys sat next to me on the train and were really drunk acting like we were friends. so i was like whatever. i saw them from outside like looking for seats so i moved my feet so they could sit down. their looks of desperation had an affect on me. so of course, some blonde southern bell flight attendants are sitting right in front of us. two to be exact. and there were two guys next to me. so it was like seriously a double date; they would not stop talking to each other and flirting. i was just like sitting on the side being like some kind of 5th wheel which was so awkward? because they are all strangers. i have no idea. then in the meanwhile some white guys were brewin up a fight calling each other niggers? hahaha. it was absolutely ridiculous. one guy spit on another guy and they verbally fought for about 20 minutes calling each other pusssys and motherfuckers etc..i was almost pathetic but no punches were thrown. kinda disappointing but i was really scared nonetheless. i thought someone had a gun. i got paranoid. so i finally get home to walk to my grandma's car that i borrowed and iT'S BEEN TOWED. or it's just not there at all. so i'm pretty much panicking. what the fuck do i do. i call my mom and tell her and she';s like eh whatevs we'll get it back. and the sign says you need proof of ownership to get that car back. and i'm crying on the phone with matt. not knowing what to do. my mom picked me up and said she didnt' care. i was relieved but now im fucking angry that i didn't drink. i could've drunken myself retarded last night and still i wouldn't have to drive because my god damn car got towed. i love life really. always fucking me up. little things. so basically 140 dollars later, i'll have my grandma's car back. 140 fucking dollars out of my savings that is. yeah fuck everything. i hate my life so much sometimes because little shit is fucked up. always. argh. going to get that car back now. seeyaa