Aug 26, 2004 21:45
welcome back one and all.
havent seen all those gaunt faces in many a moon.
by popular request, i am back in front of the screen for all to view.
last weekend was cool. on friday i hung out with tom and daivd faresse but we didnt really do anything. then i saturday i went to rons and he had no power, sucks for him. we went to dustys and watched a movie then went back to rons cause of the curfew, it was like 9 40 when we left. johnny called and asked if i wanted to come over, and trust me, i did. so ron and i quickly devised a plan of intricat lying and ended up in johnny's carport area when he calls and says hes just then leaving bartow at like 10 00. so we sit there for about an hour doing nothing and he finally shows up. and sooner or later a bunch of lakeland people show up too. they were all pretty cool, especially aaron austin. he has a cool journal. then these two chicks, kelly and kaitlyn, show up. ron and i hang out with them for pretty much the whole time and they were pretty cool. we listened to cd on the floor, and played circle of death, rightfully named, a couple of times. well we all end up getting into bed at about 6 am sunday and my dad said i had to be home at 8 to go to church. yeah i got 2 hours of sleep. it was great. then i went to church at the baptist church with ron and my family and the early service had been cancled so we just sat there for like and hour and a half for the other one and ron and i are just passing out. i slept throught the entire thing. ron felt bad/scared so he stayed awake.
this week has been going really slow. im exhausted every night from swimming. it felt like friday wedsday and today, but it still isn't here. maybe it will feel like friday tommrow. im really tired. later