Jul 30, 2006 16:11
I'm a little mad, well, irritated. While my folks have been gone for this whole week, they've expected me to do all the work around the house, with Stephen(my OLDER stepbrother) only had to sweep/vacuum/mop(which is his regular chore) and mow the lawn(which he does when the folks are home, too.. when he's told to) and I've been feeding the cats inside and outside, watering the plants, taking out the trash, doing the dishes(which are my chores regularly), making sure the doors and windows are locked and the lights are out every night and whenever I go out(even if Stephen's home, because I know he won't do it), checking the AC drain thing in the heater room, keeping the house clean, and even cleaning up after Stephen because he's a jackass and leaves messes all over the place and leaves without cleaning them up. I mean, I'm not complaining about all the work I've been doing while Stephen does nothing to help, but he left yesterday to stay at his mom's house out of town while I'm left alone in the house all night and day. I've never been completely alone in the house at night EVER, and it was a little scary, I mean.. what if something went wrong and I didn't know what to do? He wouldn't have been there to help, like if there was a power out, I wouldn't know what to do.. Anyway, last Tuesday I forgot to take the trash to the curb because Kyle came over and I was distracted.. I figured it would be ok because we weren't making a lot of trash to throw away and the trash can was only a little over half full, it still had plenty of room. Well, it WOULD have had plenty of room if Stephen hadn't cleaned his car out and loaded the trash can with 2 full bags of trash and....clothes.. So now it's completely full and I still have 3 days until trash day, and with my folks coming home tonight, it won't work...
God, he pisses me off so much sometimes... Grr!