I Hate School.

Oct 10, 2005 18:00

Today was not the best day ever.

It started out with a bad wake up.
Me feeling lame and pointless at practice.
Choir pictures being alittle longer than planned.
School being a bitch.
Getting two detentions for an unexcused absence that shouldve been excused.
And just being overall exhausted.

The highlight of my day was forsure when I found out I am dropping my least favorite class. International studies.

I dont really like the teacher much and international studies just does not interest me. It never will. I dont care about the middle eastern wars and what not. It didnt effect me in any way that I can think of, so I dont care. Plain and simple.

Once thats dropped I will have all great classes. I enjoy all my other classes. It's just that one. So I'll miss out on a C on my report card. OOoo high mark. lol.

Well enough about that babble. I think I am gonna go shopping.

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