Настроение нации было неустойчивым и странным. Она наиболее яростно реагировала на ближайшие проблемы - например, на автономию Ирландии. Но британцы могли отреагировать и на небольшое восстание в Бузай-Гумбазе. Хотя Министерству иностранных дел пришлось отправлять телеграмму в Индию, чтобы выяснить, где находится это место (на самом деле оно
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Comments 3
Nauseating Anti-Colonial Propaganda (Тошнотворная антиколониальная пропаганда)
Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2009
The author clearly spells out his agenda as he dredges up every disparaging term imaginable to paint the 'weak'(his description) British Empire in the worst possible light. He seems to have a particular dislike of Anthony Eden and heaps petty insults on him in a prolonged attack that can only be described as character assasination.
The actual history is a heavily distorted version of events, often omitting key facts or resorting to some fairly torturous logic. The section on the Suez Crisis is bizarre to say the least and doesn't seem to acknowledge that the Anglo-French military operation was a major success; albeit one hamstrung by American political intervention. Instead, he rattles on (and on and on) about ( ... )
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