Dear Yuletide Writer...

Oct 14, 2012 23:58

AO3: Musidora
Fandom #1: Boy Meets World: Shawn Hunter, Eric Matthews
Fandom #2: Final Fantasy: XIII-2: Caius Ballad, Paddra Nsu-Yeul, Lightning Farron, Hope Estheim
Fandom #3: Royal Tenenbaums: Margot Tenenbaum, Richie Tenenbaum
Fandom #4: Sunshine (2007): Mace, Robert Capa

A few blanket preferences for every request (unless specified otherwise):
 - If you like mpreg that's fine, but it's not really my cup of tea so I'd prefer it if it weren't included in any of the stories.
 - I'm okay with gen, het, slash and femslash, so take the story wherever you're comfortable with!
 - No need to worry about triggering subjects, as long as you're comfortable writing them I'm alright with reading them; though preferably written in a way that isn't trivializing. 
 - As far as spoilers go, I'm totally caught up on everything listed, so no worries.
 - AUs are fine.
 - Gender-bending is fine.
 - Pretty much any kinks you want to include are fine.
 - When it comes to the genres, write whatever you're comfortable with, because that's usually what comes out the best! Though if you'd like a little more direction than that, I'm definitely a sucker for angst.
 - For crossover fics, they aren't always my favourite, but if you have an idea you're dying to bring to life, then go for it! Though, when it comes to FFXIII2 I'm fine with any crossovers in the Final Fantasy and/or Kingdom Hearts universes.

I guess I don't have too much to elaborate on. It can be slash, friendship, brotherly, whatever. I just love when fics explore the potential dynamic between these two because the show never really did.

With this request, you don't have to (but definitely could if you wanted to) include every character requested. It could focus on just one of them, or one of them and another character not mentioned, I'm fine with it either way.

I picked the four characters mainly because Light/Hope is my favourite ship, and I really like Caius and Yeul and would love to see more about them in any context. Like I said before, gen, het, slash or femslash, it's all lovely!

With this request, I would prefer something with some romantic context (explicit or not, no preference), but if you're not comfortable with it, no big deal. Gen or friendship fic or whatever else is fine too!

Oh man, I'm fine with anything with these two since there's so painfully little fic out there about this movie, but if you happen to be inclined towards angst, certainly feel free to pile it on in this case. If you've seen the movie, it's hard not to.

Alright! Well, that's all. If you have any questions, or would like me to be more specific about anything or be provided with some proper prompts, you can contact Yuletide to contact me! Thanks!


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