Feb 15, 2004 11:38
Hii.. I'm so sleepie..wow.. im gonna go 2 sleep in a little.. today was eventful..went to dance from 1 45 to 345..then meg dropped me off.. and then she picked me up at like 7ish and we went to blockbuster in search for a movie, didnt find one, went to tcby i got myself some icecream ( parfay yummie ) and then we went and got stina and then we went 2 blockbuster in howell found a movie ( how to deal ) i wanted "Love and Basketball" but noooo they had to pick how to deal..but its funny, ive seen it be4..so we went back 2 stinas and watched it..ate so much..wow im stuffed..and then i have dance all 2morrow blah..Jojo's grandpa died 2nite..Im so sorry Jojo.. God bless him.. SO many deaths lately..i hate it..I blame friday the 13th asdjhasd.. Car's coming home tuesday yay .. Ne ways.. I miss Andrew.. I haven't talked to him at all today.. :-( and im not gonna be able to at all 2morrow.. ayi ayi ayi .. well i am going to go.. i shall write 2morrow.. bye bye
I love you Andrew :-) ..xoxo <33