-Closing Community-

Jul 29, 2002 17:03

hey kids! welp! as you know i am the president of -layoutbabes and erika is the vice pres. welp! erika and i have decided that we are going to be closing the layout babes community for good! that means no one post anymore after this one, becuase we will not be helping you and after a lil while when people actually open their eyes and get it through their lil peNUT brain, then we will be delteing it to where you can never look at it again lol.. and you nkow we are sick of all of you ungrateful ( some people ) and selfish lil children, you just take us like we live on AOL and doing LAYOUTS and LJ's, but you know what, that isnt our life, we have a life, we do stuff other than that crap, you need to get that through your thick head! sorri to sound mean, but we are just sick of all of you people, taking us like we will do anything, and you dont even listen! you dont read the rules, and once we help you, you ask us and ask us for help after and ugh! we are sick of it! why dont you bug other people... we know we gots slillz and stuff but still. and sometimes when we make you stuff, you DONT even USEEE it! i mean you dont appreciate your stuff and us, so you know what, its over, find other people that will put up with you all, and you know what you know what i said about peopel not listening, well you know what, i garantee you, that you and everyone one else will see atleast one more person post after this asking for help, i BET you and if you dont well then thats the FIRST! so sorri, but we are closing for good, thank you, bye

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