Datsz' mah chOcOlate laDii* i luhh yOu mOre denn anyything eva kayla ! . yOusz mah beszestzt giRrl . 'fa' shO !
junGle feverr - shawwttay lemme knOw watszup wit it - ex lax in sanDrasz fOod - LiL' elle - GermaniC CUntsz - bIg fat grreeek bOysz whO think they're sO ganGtster - FoTsza - fOttis - thuG missesz - cHocOlate laDii - rOy.g.biv , kaylasz cOusin frOm califOrnia - Lilia , i think they'resz a chair bacK there with yer name on it , yeahh welL theresz a ditCh in the rOad wit YOUR name On it ! - watter mOlecule drawinGsz - aCe , it wasz Only a kiSs . - i like kayla , but she dOnt like me , psht , he gOt datt right - DAD ! , HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF MY FRIEND WASZ LISTENING TO YOU !!?! - nOw drOp - sanDrasz bugg eyesz - da' blaCk guyy we waasz takin piCs oF - kayla jane EZEKIAL nuCca bOyd - UNNBRREAKKK MY HEARRTT !! - if i die , yOu can frame this On yerr wall - raDio ? , whO needsz a raDio ? , readdy harry !? - SoCk me sIdewaysz! - kayla , did you tell your mom what yOu were dOing ? .. i wasz talking on the phone . - BYE MR.PEREZ !! - lilia , if i smelled like m _ _ _ _ _ .. woUld you still be my friend ? ,, yeah , but i wOuldnt be arOund yOu mUcH . - HE WASZ A SKATER BOYY ! - All mahh liffe , i prayed fa' sOmeOne like yOu - OMG YO ! - ACE I JUST CANT LOOK , ITSZ KILLING ME !! aCe: is that another song ? - vinTagE biTch - i'Ve been punChed be fOrE , and it dOnt hurrt , sO she beszt wattCh her baCk - (mime) "thattszz mah sOng !!!" - white teesz , niKesz , gangstassz dOntt knO hOw tO aCt . ** damnn kayla , deresz alot mOre , but if i type em' alL , my fingerrsz gOn fall Off . lol
ThuG Missesz' &* ChOcOlate laDii .. fa lyyfe nO bODy -- andd im sayyin .. NOBODY . gOn evva takke mah nuCcasz plaCe - ! [ e v a ]*
Shawtty lemme knOw whattsz uP wit it , wOnt yOu lett a reall THUG hit it , stOp playin
desze lamEsz , aiInt gOt nO shame , da liquOr isz ta blamE ,
i Just gOtta tell yOu dissz ( wassup !?) dOse lipsz i wanna kiss ( yeahh yeahh !)
datt assz i gOtta grab , yO shit i gOtta stab ..
i Gott mah babyy mOmma , yOu gOt yO babyyDadDyy ,
wee aiNt gOt alL night , lil mama gett it right , yo shit isz goOd and tight ,
i ainnt bOut dem gamesz shawtyy , yOu knOw mah name shawtyy ,
just ussee you brainsz' , if yOu kNow what im sayiin itsz a
One niGht StanD Shawwtay *
i lOve mah girl kayla . fa liFe'